Beloved of All
Heavenly pls bless my dad and mom. Pls bless they arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless the areas of their life. Pls bless they at jobs and all the places they r in. And favor at job and all places they r in. Pls bless my brother and sister and brother. Pls bless they in their school and job. Pls bless they w happiness joy and peace. Pls bless their arrive and leave each day and week. Pls my brother in the areas of their life Pls they will favor at they school job and all places they r in. Pls bless all those on the site and their families and loved ones. Pls bless they w happiness peace and joy. Pls bless they in they jobs, schools, university and they travels. Pls bless they with favor in jobs, Pls bless sister while at her job and she arrives and leave each day and week. Pls bless her w happiness and peace and joy. Pls bless the areas of her life. Pls bless all those in Africa, Asia and Europe. And Australia, and south America Mexico and central America. And Canada USA and Greenland. Pls bless the areas of their lives.pls bless they with happiness and peace and joy. Pls bless all those with jobs, in university, in school, and travel in Africa Asia and Europe. And Australia and south America Mexico and central America and canada USA and Greenland. Pls bless they with favor with those in their school, job, university and travel. Pls bless they w happiness and peace and joy. Pls bless their arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless all families and loved ones with jobs, in school, traveling and university. Pls bless their they with favor with those at their school job university and travel. Pls bless they w happiness and peace and joy. Pls bless the areas of their life. Pls bless their arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless my dad's friends and their family members and loved ones. Pls bless they with happiness and joy and peace. Pls bless they in they jobs schools universities and travels. Pls bless they with favor with those at their jobs schools universities and travels. Pls bless they in their areas in their lives. Pls bless they in all places they r in. Pls bless they as they arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless my mom's friends and their family members and loved ones. Pls bless they in the areas in their life. Pls bless they w happiness and joy and peace. Pls bless they in their schools travels and universities and jobs. Pls bless theyll favor with all those in their schools, jobs, universities, and jobs. And all the places they r in. Pls bless they arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless my brothers friends and their family members. Pls bless they w happiness and joy and peace. Pls bless the areas of their life. Pls bless they favor in jobs, schools, travels, and universities and all those at their jobs, schools, travels, and universities and all the places they r in. Pls bless my sisters friends and their family members. Pls bless they w happiness and joy and peace. Pls bless they with their needs. pls bless they in their school, jobs, travels and universities and all the places they r in. Pls bless they in the areas of their life. Pls bless they with favor with those at their school, jobs, travels, and universities. Pls bless they arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless my brothers friends and their family members. Pls bless they with happiness and joy and peace. Pls bless they with their needs. Pls bless they in their schools, travels and jobs, and universities. Pls bless theyll have favor with those at their schools, travels and jobs and universities. Pls bless they arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless the areas of their life. Pls save all those in Africa Asia and Europe and Australia and south America Mexico and central America and canada USA and Greenland that needing be saved. Pls bless they with happiness and joy and peace. Pls bless they receive eternal life. Pls save all family members and loved ones in Africa Asia and Europe and Australia and south America Mexico and central America and canada USA and Greenland that r needing be saved. Pls bless they with happiness and joy and peace. Pls bless they'll receive eternal life. Pls help all those in need and r in Africa Asia and Europe and Australia and south America Mexico and central America and canada USA and Greenland. Pls bless they w happiness and joy and peace. Pls help all families and loved ones in need and r in Africa Asia Europe Australia and south America Mexico and central America and canada USA and Greenland. Pls bless they with happiness and joy and peace. Pls save all families and loved ones of those on the site. Pls bless they'll receive eternal life. Pls bless they w joy and happiness and peace. Pls bless ac/ao and his family. Pls bless they in their schools and jobs and universities and travels. Pls bless the areas in their lives. Pls bless he and his family with joy happiness and peace. Pls bless they w favor with those at their school, jobs, their travels and universities. Pls save my dad he'll receive eternal life and be in heaven. Pls bless he w joy and happiness. Pls bless brother James and his family. pls bless the areas in their life. Pls bless brother James and his family with their need. Pls bless they w happiness and joy. pls bless they in their schools, travels, and universities. pls they will have favor with those at their schools, travels, and universities. pls bless windwold and his family and his son . . pls bless his son he'll be healthy and be healed. Pls bless he with happiness and joy. pls bless windwold and bless the areas in his life. Pls bless he with happiness and joy and peace. pls bless his family members and bless the areas in their life. Pls help they to overcome pls bless the areas of his sons life. pls bless they with their needs. Pls bless all those on the prayer site bless they with their needs. Pls bless they with happiness and peace and joy . Pls bless they in their schools, jobs, travels, And universities. And the places they r in. Pls bless they w favor with those at their school jobs travels and universities. Pls bless their arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless their families and loved ones. Pls my mom could I have Xtra food to job. Pls so could keep the chips I purchased yesterday morning. Pls help me in online class. Pls Pls bless they in their school their jobs their travels and universities. Pls bless they w favor with all those in their schools, jobs, travels, and universities. Pls bless their arrive and leave each day and week. Pls bless they will have happiness and joy and peace. amen.