Humble Prayer Partner
Heavenly Father, you have seen and heard what people have been doing and saying about me, and I am not bothered much, for all my circumstances are before You. Therefore, I will be comforted by the knowledge that God knows about my cause, and because He knows it, He will not destroy me or even chide me. He will comfort me and adorn me with His salvation, for He will not continue to rebuke or break a bruised reed. Arise and do not listen to the people who are doing the very opposite, who are after my disinheritance, for Your name has been desecrated by the people on my account, and Your word says that You will sanctify it before them. And You are well able to save, as You have promised. You are well able to take me to the promised land and not destroy me in the wilderness, for my words permit Your work in my life, and my heart is not contrary to You, though Satan spent years trying to destroy it before these people, and he will not succeed, for he will fail in his enterprises. But I will possess my inheritance, for You complete Your work in my life. These people are my adversaries but You, my Judge, Lawgiver, King, Redeemer, Savior and Advocate; they are after destruction but You are after my salvation. They regard faults but You the whole historical facts. Therefore I will live and declare Your praise. For You are for me and not against me. Thank you, in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.