Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Esther 8:6 :
For how can I endure to see the evil that shall come unto my people? or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?
Commentary on this verse:
8:3-14 It was time to be earnest, when the church of God was at stake. ###, though safe herself, fell down and begged for the deliverance of her people. We read of no tears when she begged for her own life, but although she was sure of that, she wept for her people. Tears of pity and tenderness are the most Christ-like. According to the constitution of the Persian government, no law or decree could be repealed or recalled. This is so far from speaking to the wisdom and honour of the Medes and Persians, that it clearly shows their pride and folly. This savours of that old presumption which ruined all, We will be as gods! It is God's prerogative not to repent, or to say what can never be altered or unsaid. Yet a way was found, by another decree, to authorize the Jews to stand upon their defence. The decree was published in the languages of all the provinces. Shall all the subjects of an earthly prince have his decrees in languages they understand, and shall God's oracles and laws be locked up from any of his servants in an unknown tongue?
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, You are sovereign over all things: Over life and death, over poverty and prosperity, over success and failure. You give us a grant of life and breath and time and resources to be used for Your glory – and You take those away from us when so doing is for Your glory. We acknowledge You as our rightful Sovereign, agreeing with Scripture that You not only have a right to do as You please, but that all You do is good and wise. We ourselves deserve not one iota of all the gifts you give – not even one sip of water or one breath of air. Indeed, we confess that we only deserve Your wrath and judgment. Thank You that both Your provision and Your removal of blessings are part of Your wise governing of the world that will bring about the culmination of all things – the creation of a new heavens and new earth, the summing up of all things in Christ, the salvation of those from every tribe and tongue and nation, the perfection of His glorious Bride, the Church, and the wiping of every tear from our eyes. How we long for this final day! Come, Lord Jesus! in Jesus‘ name we pray. Amen.
以斯帖記 8:6 :
8:3-14 當神的教會處於危險之中時,是時候要認真了。###雖然安全了,但還是跪下來祈求拯救她的人民。我們讀到,當她乞求自己的生命時,她沒有流淚,但儘管她確信這一點,她還是為她的人民哭泣。憐憫和溫柔的眼淚是最像基督的。根據波斯政府憲法,任何法律或法令都不得廢除或撤銷。這根本不是米底人和波斯人的智慧和榮譽,而是清楚地表明了他們的驕傲和愚蠢。這帶有摧毀一切的古老假設的味道:我們將像神一樣!上帝有特權不悔改,也不說出永遠無法改變或不說的話。然而,透過另一項法令,找到了一種方法,授權猶太人站出來保衛他們。該法令以所有省份的語言發布。地上君主的所有臣民都應該以他們能理解的語言來頒布法令嗎?
天父,您對萬物擁有主權:您對生與死、貧窮與繁榮、成功與失敗擁有主權。你賜給我們生命、呼吸、時間和資源,讓我們用來榮耀你——而當你這樣做是為了你的榮耀時,你卻把這些從我們身邊奪走。我們承認您是我們合法的主權者,同意聖經的說法,即您不僅有權為所欲為,而且您所做的一切都是善良和明智的。我們自己不配得到你們所給予的所有禮物中的一分一毫──哪怕是一小口水或一口空氣。事實上,我們承認我們只配得你的憤怒和審判。 感謝你,你的供應和你除去的祝福都是你對世界的明智治理的一部分,這將帶來萬物的頂峰——新天新地的創造,萬物在基督裡的總結,來自各個部落、語言和國家的人們的救贖,祂光榮的新娘,教會的完美,以及擦去我們眼中的每一滴眼淚。我們多麼渴望這最後一天啊!來吧,主耶穌!我們奉耶穌的名禱告。阿門。
For how can I endure to see the evil that shall come unto my people? or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?
Commentary on this verse:
8:3-14 It was time to be earnest, when the church of God was at stake. ###, though safe herself, fell down and begged for the deliverance of her people. We read of no tears when she begged for her own life, but although she was sure of that, she wept for her people. Tears of pity and tenderness are the most Christ-like. According to the constitution of the Persian government, no law or decree could be repealed or recalled. This is so far from speaking to the wisdom and honour of the Medes and Persians, that it clearly shows their pride and folly. This savours of that old presumption which ruined all, We will be as gods! It is God's prerogative not to repent, or to say what can never be altered or unsaid. Yet a way was found, by another decree, to authorize the Jews to stand upon their defence. The decree was published in the languages of all the provinces. Shall all the subjects of an earthly prince have his decrees in languages they understand, and shall God's oracles and laws be locked up from any of his servants in an unknown tongue?
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, You are sovereign over all things: Over life and death, over poverty and prosperity, over success and failure. You give us a grant of life and breath and time and resources to be used for Your glory – and You take those away from us when so doing is for Your glory. We acknowledge You as our rightful Sovereign, agreeing with Scripture that You not only have a right to do as You please, but that all You do is good and wise. We ourselves deserve not one iota of all the gifts you give – not even one sip of water or one breath of air. Indeed, we confess that we only deserve Your wrath and judgment. Thank You that both Your provision and Your removal of blessings are part of Your wise governing of the world that will bring about the culmination of all things – the creation of a new heavens and new earth, the summing up of all things in Christ, the salvation of those from every tribe and tongue and nation, the perfection of His glorious Bride, the Church, and the wiping of every tear from our eyes. How we long for this final day! Come, Lord Jesus! in Jesus‘ name we pray. Amen.
以斯帖記 8:6 :
8:3-14 當神的教會處於危險之中時,是時候要認真了。###雖然安全了,但還是跪下來祈求拯救她的人民。我們讀到,當她乞求自己的生命時,她沒有流淚,但儘管她確信這一點,她還是為她的人民哭泣。憐憫和溫柔的眼淚是最像基督的。根據波斯政府憲法,任何法律或法令都不得廢除或撤銷。這根本不是米底人和波斯人的智慧和榮譽,而是清楚地表明了他們的驕傲和愚蠢。這帶有摧毀一切的古老假設的味道:我們將像神一樣!上帝有特權不悔改,也不說出永遠無法改變或不說的話。然而,透過另一項法令,找到了一種方法,授權猶太人站出來保衛他們。該法令以所有省份的語言發布。地上君主的所有臣民都應該以他們能理解的語言來頒布法令嗎?
天父,您對萬物擁有主權:您對生與死、貧窮與繁榮、成功與失敗擁有主權。你賜給我們生命、呼吸、時間和資源,讓我們用來榮耀你——而當你這樣做是為了你的榮耀時,你卻把這些從我們身邊奪走。我們承認您是我們合法的主權者,同意聖經的說法,即您不僅有權為所欲為,而且您所做的一切都是善良和明智的。我們自己不配得到你們所給予的所有禮物中的一分一毫──哪怕是一小口水或一口空氣。事實上,我們承認我們只配得你的憤怒和審判。 感謝你,你的供應和你除去的祝福都是你對世界的明智治理的一部分,這將帶來萬物的頂峰——新天新地的創造,萬物在基督裡的總結,來自各個部落、語言和國家的人們的救贖,祂光榮的新娘,教會的完美,以及擦去我們眼中的每一滴眼淚。我們多麼渴望這最後一天啊!來吧,主耶穌!我們奉耶穌的名禱告。阿門。