Humble Servant
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the many abundant blessings in our lives! During these difficult and uncertain times, you continue to come through for us! You are so good and Your love is always unfailing! Though I do not deserve these blessings, I am greatly and deeply thankful to You! Please Lord, extend this same grace and abundance upon this country. As a people, we have been led astray, by those willing to forsake You! The evil intentions of those people have taken us so far off of the path that You set for us, Father. Your faithful are beginning to see the error of our ignorance and inaction. Help us to rise up in prayer and repentance. Fortify the hearts and minds of those working to restore this land to You and awaken more and more people everyday from the darkness that is upon this nation! Lord protect the innocent, the children and those unable to protect themselves from the many evils present here today. Through Jesus Christ, our Savior, I pray! Amen!