Humble Servant of All
Heavenly father please please if there's anything you can do to stop these lying spirits please do that I need you and thank you a million times thank you for saving me. If there's anything you can do please by all means I belong to you and you made me so you do whatever you want with me but I do love you still and I'm still coming for you. Please forgive me I'm outta my head now from lack of sleep and these spirit's have caused me to lose all sight of you except for my Dr. Pepper. I would do like anything for what you did already. This is completely insane to me that you're real and not bad because they have me so bound up and out of my mind it's like I've been in hell for years now please please hurry on the double time so I can get Jesse like yesterday please influence Jesse's mother to have raised him up.
Send me and my mother one legion of angels each. I need you more than I ever did and I'm still in completely shock over this, I know you have the complete perfect plan on how to get me out quick as possible.
In Jesus mighty name amen

Send me and my mother one legion of angels each. I need you more than I ever did and I'm still in completely shock over this, I know you have the complete perfect plan on how to get me out quick as possible.
In Jesus mighty name amen