Lord I am so tired. It's actually been 10 months since my husband left to visit with his sister and daughter. And I haven't heard from his voice in 9 of those months. Losing track of everything. He has abandoned me with our home, another property, vehicles, and pets. I'm so tired and alone. No family. A few friends all with a life of their own and they need help in one way or another and I can't help them either. I'm exhausted from getting ready and then cleaning up after the hurricane Milton coupled with everything else I have to do. Please Lord I need my husband. I need his help. Physically, emotionally and financially. I am failing slowly but surely because there is simply too much to do for one person. Please Lord I have prayed every day, since he left, for his return ..... as he promised the first 1-1/2 months of this separation. You know we spoke most every day for 1-1/2 months. And then he stopped all communications directly with me suddenly since 01-19-24. His daughter and sister started interfering in our marriage right after he had two minor strokes and have filed legal paperwork against me all in the name of inheritance of my property I've had since 1981. Because I think they thought he was going to die. I don't know to this day what has happened or where he is even at this point. Please Lord intervene and restore his eyesight and return him home. Or at least have him call me to discuss our issues and where we go from here. I'm too alone and way too tired. Please restore my energy to continue. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!