Dont forget your awsome picture under your name. I am amazed.
God we come boldly before your throne and ask of you a miracle today. Let your shower of blessing and rain of blesings come upon your child in Jesus name, so that she has not enough room to contain it. Let your child after this day before she go to sleep be thankfull with tears in her eyes for what you have done for her in Jesus name. Let her be and stay in faith in Jesus name. Let her be steadfast in joy, love, faith, positivity, kindness, gentleness. Let her have powerfull insight of what every costumer is in need to. Let her cover that needs, fully and completely. Let old and new customers be powerfully drawn to her without knowing why in Jesus name. Let she prepares such a table for her customers that noone else can prepare for them. Let her customers be gratefull and in awe in Jesus name. Let her wallet and banc accounts overflow with money and her heart with joy, in Jesus name, amen!! I seal this prayer with the blood of Jesus, amen.
You can write down this prayer and pray it every morning if it suits to you. God bless you, sis.