Faithful Servant
Heavenly father, my Lord and God. I humbly approach you asking for your grace to intercede in my marriage. I ask that you restore me to the head of my household so I can lead my family in worship of you. We need Jesus to enter our marriage and be the cornerstone of our restoration. Father you know my hearts desire and it is to serve you as a devoted family man, I ask for you to use my marriage as a testament to your greatness, use my marriage to glorify you Lord. I ask that you soften my wifes heart and show her that with you Lord, our marriage can be healed and we can be happy again. Thank you for receiving my prayer, my family needs you. Nothing is too great for you, my heart cries out for you. Thank you God, you are awesome, thank you for hearing my prayer, I pray that your will is done. In Jesus name I pray Amen.