Prayer Warrior
Heavenly Father, I'm sorry for my doubt and resentment that my life is not working as I hope. I ask for forgiveness and peace as I wait for your lead. I ask that my will be in line with yours. If I am to let my beloved go, please let me know. Let it be from you. If I am to have communication, let it come quickly so I know without a doubt it is your intervention. Help us Lord. Your word tells me to stand and wait for my beloved. He is mine and I am his until death. Your Word also says to let unbelievers go. Though he claimed you as his savior, he is not behaving as such. Help me to know what you want Lord. I don't want to give up too soon. But I don't want to wait in vain for something that is not of you. Help me to know. I ask humbly, urgently, tearfully. Help us Lord. Help us to have faith when things are so hard. Help us all on this site you are searching for your answers and love. In Jesus' name, amen.