Beloved of All
Heavenly father I thank you for this morning. Pls help me that I will always live a godly pure and a holy sinless life at all times. That I will have a better prayer life and I will have 1 hundred % purity and intimacy with you at all times. Pls give me a pure holy godly and sinless mindset and behavior and pls help me that I will always maintain this at all times. Pls continually give me tha strength to live tha life you intended for me to live. Pls help me that I will always remain faithful to youand stay strong in times of trials and difficulty. Pls protect me continously from all evil from this wicked planet all attacks of tha enemy and all spiritual attacks and from anything and anyone that is not from you. Pls help me improve in every area of my life. In JESUS name. AMEN.