Beloved of All
Heavenly Father I thank you for all that you do for me and my family, I come to you for help my boyfriend is going through a really bad spiritual warfare it started in January an has lasted all the way until today it grows worst by the day, I have told him that you will never forsake him and to trust in you and have faith an yet he refuses to listen to me, I come to you because I really can’t take it anymore he listens to voices in his head It’s like everything I tell him to do he does the opposite I have been by his side for 13yrs an I don’t want to walk away I try my best to help I pray everyday and night but it seems to be out of my control he was doing so well reading the Bible and everything an out of nowhere this happens, I have prayed so much for him I even prayed in the spirit father you blessed me with the gift of tongues so I even prayed that way , it’s like every other person I pray for is healed or helped but him I have healed many of ailments just by praying an touching them because my faith is so strong but I can’t help him Idk what to do I called out to you an you said this is not my fight it is his lack of faith that has led him astray he chooses to listen to the evil one over you, please help him I don’t want anything bad to happen to him he runs around like a mad man talking to himself and he has never been this way an today he brought back holy water from the church and told me it didn’t work I told him where is his faith as Jesus told his disciples when a storm arose while he slept on the boat and they were afraid just as he is I even showed him job’s story, please Jesus deliver him as you have delivered so many around the world even me you are my Bestfriend I have no one else to talk to about this because all people do in this world is judge others instead helping I have known so many people that were screaming for help with their hands held out an yet no one answered or lifted them up so they committed suicide and only then did they care when it was to late but all they did was judge and criticize them in life tore them down when they were already at their lowest, this world is full of so many wicked people so I always try to be there for the people the world forgets I rather be a light in this world lifting people up then a nuisance tearing them down Please deliver him mentally, physically, and spiritually please forgive him for his sins known and unknown please draw him back closer to you please place in him a new heart and help him to be a new person in Christ,please soften his heart and help him to be a better man please open his eyes and ears to receive your word please help him father he does all this in front of our children they are becoming afraid they know their dad is strong my oldest even stated this to him and told him to trust in god how is it that a child has more faith than his father he even prays for him father please help with this I place this in your hands in Jesus mighty name I pray Amen