Humble Prayer Warrior
Heavenly father I give you thanks for the gift of my girlfriend. Please keep her safe. Please help me with girlfriend. I need to have sleep overs at her place or I may have to move out. She is so afraid to have people over. Due to germs and her anxiety. I love this woman. What I can I do to help her. Please Lord help me and my girlfriend. Cure her with her depression and also fear of germs, stress headaches and her cleaning obsession. Help her get better quality asleep because some nights her sleep isn’t good. Neither is mine. Bless her and give her guidance and strength. Give her help with herself confidence and cleaning obsession. Cure her of her incurable disease. Have my girlfriend’s parents not be judge mental toward over weight people. I would love to meet her parents. She is the love of my life. I love her with all of my heart and soul. Please help my girlfriend I love her and don’t want to lose her. Lord please help her with her negative thoughts. Have her not to be so shy, private, and reserved. So she doesn’t bottle up feelings. Please heal my girlfriend with her mental health issues and or point her in the right direction for help. I would love to marry her someday. Please give her the love, support and help so I can marry her and also live with her. Also please have the judge sigh off the paperwork due to high child support so I can afford to live with my girlfriend. Lord I really want to live with my girlfriend. Please have her let me help with her stuff more. Her mental health gets in the way of that due to her cleaning obsession. Also have her do sleep overs at her place. Change the scenery instead of my place all the time change it up. Please give her more courage and confidence that she can overcome her from the cleaning obsession. Lord please help my children be able to talk soon. I would love for my girlfriend to meet my children. Also lord please help me lose more weight so I can be more active and be more healthy for my girlfriend. I would like to be like how I was when I was younger more athletic. Please help my girlfriend to stay strong. In Jesus name amen