Disciple of Prayer
I confess my sins of all sins below that I have committed whether known or unknown. I repent for these sins and forgive anyone who has committed these sins against me. I renounce these sins and rebuke the works or the devil. I believe Jesus Christ is Lord, and I surrender to him, and accept him as my Lord and Savior and I believe he died on the cross for my sins and rose again. I welcome the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen. ---
1 Abandonment
2 Abortion involvement
3 Abuse of Power and Authority
4 Addictions
5 Adultery
6 Anger
6(2) Animal Perversion lust
7 Astrology
8 Atheism
9 Backbiting
10 Betrayal
11 Blasphemy
12 Breaking any civil laws
13 Character Assassination
14 Cheating
15 Cohabitation
16 Complaining
17 Corruption
18 Coveting
19 Critical/Judgmental
20 Cursing
21 Cynical
22 Deceit
23 Dishonesty
24 Dishonoring Parents
25 Disobedience
26 Double-Mindedness
27 Doubt and Unbelief
28 Drunkenness
29 Envy
30 Evil Thoughts
30a False Religion
31 Fear
31a Fighting, Violence
32 Fornication
33 Forsaking the assembly with Christians
34 Foul language
35 Gambling
36 Gluttony (overeating)
37 Gossiping
38 Greed
39 Grieving the Holy Spirit
40 Grumbling
41 Hatred
42 Hoarding
43 Holding grudges
44 Homosexuality
45 Hypocrisy
46 Idolatry
47 Incest
48 Indifference towards God
49 Injustice
50 Jealousy
51 Lack of Discipline
52 Laziness
53 Leaning to your my understanding
54 Lust
55 Lying
56 Manipulation
57 Masturbation
58 Misusing Spiritual Gifts
59 Murder
59(2) Molestation
60 Not keeping Promises
61 Not celebrating the festivals
62 Not fasting
64 Not keeping the Sabbath Day Holy
65 Not loving God
66 Not loving self
67 Not loving my neighbor
68 Not loving my wife
69 Not meditating
70 Not paying offering
71 Not praising
72 Not praying
73 Not studying to show myself approved
74 Not tithing
75 Not training my children if I have some
76 Not witnessing
77 Not worshipping
78 Offenses
79 Perversion
80 Poor Stewardship
81 Pornography
82 Pride
83 Prostitution
84 Racism
85 Rape
86 Rebellion
87 Refusing to Tithe
88 Sacrilege
89 Selfish Ambition
90 Self Righteousness
91 Selfishness
92 Slander
93 Slothfulness
94 Sowing Discord
95 Spiritual and Physical Adultery
96 Stealing
97 Stinginess
98 Being anxious and not giving it to the Lord
99 Strife
100 Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain
101 Tardiness
102 Tattoos
103 Threats
104 Torture
105 Uncleanliness
106 Unfaithfulness
107 Unforgiveness
108 Vengeance
109 Witchcraft
110 Worry
111 Wrath
1 Abandonment
2 Abortion involvement
3 Abuse of Power and Authority
4 Addictions
5 Adultery
6 Anger
6(2) Animal Perversion lust
7 Astrology
8 Atheism
9 Backbiting
10 Betrayal
11 Blasphemy
12 Breaking any civil laws
13 Character Assassination
14 Cheating
15 Cohabitation
16 Complaining
17 Corruption
18 Coveting
19 Critical/Judgmental
20 Cursing
21 Cynical
22 Deceit
23 Dishonesty
24 Dishonoring Parents
25 Disobedience
26 Double-Mindedness
27 Doubt and Unbelief
28 Drunkenness
29 Envy
30 Evil Thoughts
30a False Religion
31 Fear
31a Fighting, Violence
32 Fornication
33 Forsaking the assembly with Christians
34 Foul language
35 Gambling
36 Gluttony (overeating)
37 Gossiping
38 Greed
39 Grieving the Holy Spirit
40 Grumbling
41 Hatred
42 Hoarding
43 Holding grudges
44 Homosexuality
45 Hypocrisy
46 Idolatry
47 Incest
48 Indifference towards God
49 Injustice
50 Jealousy
51 Lack of Discipline
52 Laziness
53 Leaning to your my understanding
54 Lust
55 Lying
56 Manipulation
57 Masturbation
58 Misusing Spiritual Gifts
59 Murder
59(2) Molestation
60 Not keeping Promises
61 Not celebrating the festivals
62 Not fasting
64 Not keeping the Sabbath Day Holy
65 Not loving God
66 Not loving self
67 Not loving my neighbor
68 Not loving my wife
69 Not meditating
70 Not paying offering
71 Not praising
72 Not praying
73 Not studying to show myself approved
74 Not tithing
75 Not training my children if I have some
76 Not witnessing
77 Not worshipping
78 Offenses
79 Perversion
80 Poor Stewardship
81 Pornography
82 Pride
83 Prostitution
84 Racism
85 Rape
86 Rebellion
87 Refusing to Tithe
88 Sacrilege
89 Selfish Ambition
90 Self Righteousness
91 Selfishness
92 Slander
93 Slothfulness
94 Sowing Discord
95 Spiritual and Physical Adultery
96 Stealing
97 Stinginess
98 Being anxious and not giving it to the Lord
99 Strife
100 Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain
101 Tardiness
102 Tattoos
103 Threats
104 Torture
105 Uncleanliness
106 Unfaithfulness
107 Unforgiveness
108 Vengeance
109 Witchcraft
110 Worry
111 Wrath