Heavenly Father, I come before you with a weak and saddened heart. The ways of the world, more so society has hurt me, the way we live, with such deep seated resentment, anguish, and even hatred for each other's race and each other's colour. It saddens me, the way society has portrayed the image that we have to despise each other in order to feel superior. It disgusts me. Dear God I pray for my country, I pray for everyone that calls it home, may someday we learn to accept each other, appreciate each other's differences, and show kind heartedness and love for each other and the ways in which we all inevitably differ. What good has it ever done to belittle, berate, or degrade each other because of what we look like or what our heritage is. We blame foolish things, preposterous things, and even sinister, evil things such as violence and crime, on racism, and sometimes unfortunately it actually is because of that. But even when it's not, oh how the woes of society attempts to mask itself by not accepting that society as a whole is corrupt, but by making people think it's because a particular set of people are the reason behind such distasteful and demoralizing acts. Society, which affects the ways in which even the youth of the current generation are being brought up, fail to admit that the way we're being programmed to think is toxic and only hurting the world, and yet nothing seems wrong with the way the older folk influence the younger population, apparently society doesn't see people as one, when something bad happens it's never just mankind is at fault, it's always some particular race that has caused a dreadful sin. Oh how disheartening. It is my hope that one day my country, and as far as this world which we inhabit, learn to show appreciation for every race of people, on equal levels, learn to live in harmony, and stop the demeaning, hateful acts of violence, verbal abuse, and segregation. Some of what I've just said just happened to come out on a whim, as I clear my thoughts some might not have been properly worded but the Lord understands the pain and hurt I feel, to the extent it has caused me to write this extremely long prayer, but I know God is listening and I just pray that he heal this nation, touch the hearts of those who have been hurt and feel the need to lash out in rage and anger, please protect this land from evil. I pray these things in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.