Faithful Servant
Heavenly and Most Gracious Father, we come before you in prayer, to magnify and glorify your precious name and to give all the praise, honor and glory you deserve. We humbly request your overflowing blessings upon our lives. We also take this opportunity to thank you for those blessings you have bestowed upon us that we take for granted and the numerous ones on the way. Bless us with love, joy, peace and happiness. Bless us spiritually, financially and also with good health. Keep us safe, Oh loving Lord. Those among us who lack wisdom, bless with knowledge. Those who are weak, bless with strength. Shower with energy those who are weary. Those who are blind, bless with sight. And those who are burdened, set completely free. Shower these blessings on our family and friends, as well. Help us all to remember that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. Help us to help others even when we’re struggling with our own difficulties. Lord, you know the desires of our hearts and you also know what we deserve. Bless us, with what you know is truly best for us. Thank you for all you have done for us and we declare that your overflowing blessings will rain down upon us, today… In Jesus’ most precious name,
AMEN!! Heavenly and Most Gracious Father, we come before you in prayer, to magnify and glorify your precious name and to give all the praise, honor and glory you deserve. We humbly request your overflowing blessings upon our lives. We also take this opportunity to thank you for those blessings you have bestowed upon us that we take for granted and the numerous ones on the way. Bless us with love, joy, peace and happiness. Bless us spiritually, financially and also with good health. Keep us safe, Oh loving Lord. Those among us who lack wisdom, bless with knowledge. Those who are weak, bless with strength. Shower with energy those who are weary. Those who are blind, bless with sight. And those who are burdened, set completely free. Shower these blessings on our family and friends, as well. Help us all to remember that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. Help us to help others even when we’re struggling with our own difficulties. Lord, you know the desires of our hearts and you also know what we deserve. Bless us, with what you know is truly best for us. Thank you for all you have done for us and we declare that your overflowing blessings will rain down upon us, today… In Jesus’ most precious name,
AMEN!! Heavenly and Most Gracious Father, we come before you in prayer, to magnify and glorify your precious name and to give all the praise, honor and glory you deserve. We humbly request your overflowing blessings upon our lives. We also take this opportunity to thank you for those blessings you have bestowed upon us that we take for granted and the numerous ones on the way. Bless us with love, joy, peace and happiness. Bless us spiritually, financially and also with good health. Keep us safe, Oh loving Lord. Those among us who lack wisdom, bless with knowledge. Those who are weak, bless with strength. Shower with energy those who are weary. Those who are blind, bless with sight. And those who are burdened, set completely free. Shower these blessings on our family and friends, as well. Help us all to remember that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. Help us to help others even when we’re struggling with our own difficulties. Lord, you know the desires of our hearts and you also know what we deserve. Bless us, with what you know is truly best for us. Thank you for all you have done for us and we declare that your overflowing blessings will rain down upon us, today… In Jesus’ most precious name,