Servant of All
"Psalm 34:18 - 18The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Father GOD, in your word it says that you are close to those with a broken heart. And that you will save those who have a crushed spirit. I say for myself and on behalf of the Brokenhearted, that this is the most comforting thing to read. Knowing that our heartache isn't going unnoticed is truly a reassurance of my faith.
Father i have said countless prayers regarding others who are in the midst of heartache, as well as for my own heartache. And maybe some have been answered and some haven't been. But I can assure you, this is a cause i wont stop praying for.
As i always say my friends, feel free to pray for yourself, or for another who is in this situation. We all know the pains it brings us, but that pain can always be taken away or lessened by seeking GOD and his glorious son Jesus.
GOD oh GOD, where to even begin. Father, Monica is a beacon of love, respect, compassion and flat out support. She selflessly gives and gives. Even in the middle of her own fears and anxieties, she busts thru them and lifts others spirits up to the heavens. Father, she is my twin, in Angel form. Her and i have the same feelings, notions and ideas about love and how we want to express it. We both even say the same silly things. Like wanting to shake our loved ones and be like "HELLO SILLY HEAD. Im here and ready to love you!!! WAKE UP!!" And its cute and endearing things like that, that make me realize why you put her in my life. Monica and I were meant to meet so that we could uplift on another and keep one another going. And i am thankful for that. Father GOD please help her in her own situation. Fill Bob with true love and desire for her. Make it so that he seeks her hand and longs to be with her. Love is to amazing and this time apart for them is time that should be put to good use. So in this time please strengthen both of them. I pray for this situation in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen
Heavenly Father above. I want to thank you and praise you for Blessing Aju with being able to speak to his love Karen-Ruth the other day. It truly is a thing of beauty. It may not have been anything ground breaking but letting him hear her voice for those 20 mins was just as good as hearing the Angels sing. I thank you for bringing this joy to my dear friends hear. Father, Aju is such a great person and offers love, respect, prayers and support without asking for anything in return. I ask that you please lighten his heavy heart and that you draw closer and closer to him. Also Father, i pray that you make your presence known in Karens life. Let her see why she chose Aju to begin with. I pray for this Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Lord Jesus Christ, you and Father GOD have been winking very much at my dear friend Teli. Some VERY clear and others a little confusing. Lord, please direct Teli on the path that you have created for her. Show her Father GODs plan. Make it known so that she may walk along a righteous path and that she may once again be truly happy. She knows what she wants, yet she wants to do what is pleasing to you. That is a truest sign of dedication. Please lead her and show her and love her. I pray that is is Mark that she is supposed to be with. But if that is not whats right for her, lead her somewhere where she can find a happiness that she could've never imagined. I pray for this in your name Lord. Amen
Father, marriage is a blessing and privilege that you have given your children. Right now, Philos marriage is in the midst of ending. I ask that you intercede. Your presence needs to be known Father. Your children need you now more then ever. Brian is filled with so many emotions. Please remove all the hate, fear, sadness and anything that may be obstructing him from wanting to work on and reconcile their marriage. Kaiden needs both his parents to be strong and to show him that they can persevere thru bad times. Let them be a glimmer of hope for other. Let them love once again. I ask this father in the holy name of your son, Jesus. Amen
Father GOD, Alex is such a caring and loving man. His love for Sarah only knows trueness and purity. Father i ask that you lead Sarah back to him. I can see you are already doing that. And it may take a bit more time but please keep Alex comforted while you are working. Please lead Sarah away from the evils in her life that have been influencing her in a bad way. Protect her from all the negativity she is surrounded with. I ask this father in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Lord Jesus Christ, the love you have for us is so compelling. It is reminiscent of the Love Liz has for all things. Liz TRULY knows love. When i think of the love i have for Ana & David i always think of Liz. She is a beacon of what Love means and represents. And she is a constant reminder of why i fight for it every single day. Lord, Love is a gift from the heavens. And it is something that we as humans might not even be able to handle. But if anyone can it is Liz. She is what i would call a Warrior of Love. I thank you Lord for placing her in my life. I truly do. It was for a big reason and i know that. As long as she supports me i will stand so strong and fight the biggest battles. Lord, i also ask for something else. I ask that you please comfort Liz. She is so amazing in her own right and has a love that she has lost. Please return it to her. Show Ed that this amazing woman wants nothing but to make him happy. That she desires him and only him. Lord, if Ed is not the one you have chosen for her, lead her into the arms of the one you have. Thank you again Lord for bringing her into my life, i am truly thankful. In your name i pray. Amen
Heavenly Father, i come to you on behalf of my brother Simon. I ask father that you stop his world from crashing down. He is feeling so overwhelmed and lost. He needs you now more then ever. Father, even the little things would be appreciated by him. I ask that you help him sell his house. I know he has been trying to quite some time now. Please show him favor in this part of his life. Father i also ask that Simon get to spend plenty of time with his Children. Just because him and Alexandra are apart doesn't mean the kids need to suffer. Father Also i ask that you soften Alexs heart. Show her why Simon is the father to her kids. Show her why they belong together and why he cares for her. Please bring Joy to his life. I ask for this in the name of your Son. Jesus Christ. Amen
Lord Above, Beth is one of the sweetest and most dedicated woman i have ever met. She comforts me in my worst moments. And she stands strong for so many others. You wouldn't even know she was heartbroken unless she told you. Father her faith is unbreakable. And i thank you for making her strong like that. Lord, please make her wait come to an end soon. Bring Matt to her and end her wait. I ask for this with full sincerity lord. Please do this for her. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
If I have not specifically prayed for you, feel free to post a prayer. Also don't think I am not thinking or not praying for you Because I always am.
Now I don't usually do this but I feel compelled to now. I will post a pray for my situation and intention.
Heavenly Father Above. I come to you as your son, child, follower and servant. Father Please help me. I am in a great time of need. I long to be with the woman I love and solely desire. I want to be with her for so many reasons. All of which you know. Father please look into her heart and remove whatever it is that is blocking her from wanting to reconcile. Remove her sadness, her fear, her anger, her pride. Release her from any evil that may be holding her back. Show her how much she means to me. Fill her head with memories of our loving relationship. Remind her of all the little things. Of how we laughed constantly and made each other smile with the simplest gestures. She is the one for me Father. I know this for many reasons. But the one main reason I know she is the one is because you keep telling me she is. I will fight for her always. I will Love her endlessly and unconditionally. My love for her is true and it WILL persevere. She is the one. She will be by my side for the rest of my life. I ask this as a gift from you father. I ask this to be my lifes one true miracle. To be a real blessing. Please. I will not give up. I will not waiver. I will stand strong on your word and hold onto your promises. My faith is getting stronger and stronger by the day. My sadness comes and goes but my love for her will never fade. Hear my cries Lord. Hear my claims. I stand true to my convictions. Ana and I WILL RECONCILE. I believe it in my heart. I know it to be true. I Claim our reconciliation in the Name, Blood and Body of JESUS CHRIST! I am ready Father. Deliver her to me. I Pray, Believe and Receive this reconciliation in the name of your Precious, Holy and Glorious son. JESUS CHRIST! Amen
Thank you all for taking time if you read all of this. Love is dearly important to me. And I have found the one I love. She is the only one for me. GOD told me and showed me that. Keep Ana and I in your prayers my friends.
-Your Favorite Geek
Father GOD, in your word it says that you are close to those with a broken heart. And that you will save those who have a crushed spirit. I say for myself and on behalf of the Brokenhearted, that this is the most comforting thing to read. Knowing that our heartache isn't going unnoticed is truly a reassurance of my faith.
Father i have said countless prayers regarding others who are in the midst of heartache, as well as for my own heartache. And maybe some have been answered and some haven't been. But I can assure you, this is a cause i wont stop praying for.
As i always say my friends, feel free to pray for yourself, or for another who is in this situation. We all know the pains it brings us, but that pain can always be taken away or lessened by seeking GOD and his glorious son Jesus.
GOD oh GOD, where to even begin. Father, Monica is a beacon of love, respect, compassion and flat out support. She selflessly gives and gives. Even in the middle of her own fears and anxieties, she busts thru them and lifts others spirits up to the heavens. Father, she is my twin, in Angel form. Her and i have the same feelings, notions and ideas about love and how we want to express it. We both even say the same silly things. Like wanting to shake our loved ones and be like "HELLO SILLY HEAD. Im here and ready to love you!!! WAKE UP!!" And its cute and endearing things like that, that make me realize why you put her in my life. Monica and I were meant to meet so that we could uplift on another and keep one another going. And i am thankful for that. Father GOD please help her in her own situation. Fill Bob with true love and desire for her. Make it so that he seeks her hand and longs to be with her. Love is to amazing and this time apart for them is time that should be put to good use. So in this time please strengthen both of them. I pray for this situation in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen
Heavenly Father above. I want to thank you and praise you for Blessing Aju with being able to speak to his love Karen-Ruth the other day. It truly is a thing of beauty. It may not have been anything ground breaking but letting him hear her voice for those 20 mins was just as good as hearing the Angels sing. I thank you for bringing this joy to my dear friends hear. Father, Aju is such a great person and offers love, respect, prayers and support without asking for anything in return. I ask that you please lighten his heavy heart and that you draw closer and closer to him. Also Father, i pray that you make your presence known in Karens life. Let her see why she chose Aju to begin with. I pray for this Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Lord Jesus Christ, you and Father GOD have been winking very much at my dear friend Teli. Some VERY clear and others a little confusing. Lord, please direct Teli on the path that you have created for her. Show her Father GODs plan. Make it known so that she may walk along a righteous path and that she may once again be truly happy. She knows what she wants, yet she wants to do what is pleasing to you. That is a truest sign of dedication. Please lead her and show her and love her. I pray that is is Mark that she is supposed to be with. But if that is not whats right for her, lead her somewhere where she can find a happiness that she could've never imagined. I pray for this in your name Lord. Amen
Father, marriage is a blessing and privilege that you have given your children. Right now, Philos marriage is in the midst of ending. I ask that you intercede. Your presence needs to be known Father. Your children need you now more then ever. Brian is filled with so many emotions. Please remove all the hate, fear, sadness and anything that may be obstructing him from wanting to work on and reconcile their marriage. Kaiden needs both his parents to be strong and to show him that they can persevere thru bad times. Let them be a glimmer of hope for other. Let them love once again. I ask this father in the holy name of your son, Jesus. Amen
Father GOD, Alex is such a caring and loving man. His love for Sarah only knows trueness and purity. Father i ask that you lead Sarah back to him. I can see you are already doing that. And it may take a bit more time but please keep Alex comforted while you are working. Please lead Sarah away from the evils in her life that have been influencing her in a bad way. Protect her from all the negativity she is surrounded with. I ask this father in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Lord Jesus Christ, the love you have for us is so compelling. It is reminiscent of the Love Liz has for all things. Liz TRULY knows love. When i think of the love i have for Ana & David i always think of Liz. She is a beacon of what Love means and represents. And she is a constant reminder of why i fight for it every single day. Lord, Love is a gift from the heavens. And it is something that we as humans might not even be able to handle. But if anyone can it is Liz. She is what i would call a Warrior of Love. I thank you Lord for placing her in my life. I truly do. It was for a big reason and i know that. As long as she supports me i will stand so strong and fight the biggest battles. Lord, i also ask for something else. I ask that you please comfort Liz. She is so amazing in her own right and has a love that she has lost. Please return it to her. Show Ed that this amazing woman wants nothing but to make him happy. That she desires him and only him. Lord, if Ed is not the one you have chosen for her, lead her into the arms of the one you have. Thank you again Lord for bringing her into my life, i am truly thankful. In your name i pray. Amen
Heavenly Father, i come to you on behalf of my brother Simon. I ask father that you stop his world from crashing down. He is feeling so overwhelmed and lost. He needs you now more then ever. Father, even the little things would be appreciated by him. I ask that you help him sell his house. I know he has been trying to quite some time now. Please show him favor in this part of his life. Father i also ask that Simon get to spend plenty of time with his Children. Just because him and Alexandra are apart doesn't mean the kids need to suffer. Father Also i ask that you soften Alexs heart. Show her why Simon is the father to her kids. Show her why they belong together and why he cares for her. Please bring Joy to his life. I ask for this in the name of your Son. Jesus Christ. Amen
Lord Above, Beth is one of the sweetest and most dedicated woman i have ever met. She comforts me in my worst moments. And she stands strong for so many others. You wouldn't even know she was heartbroken unless she told you. Father her faith is unbreakable. And i thank you for making her strong like that. Lord, please make her wait come to an end soon. Bring Matt to her and end her wait. I ask for this with full sincerity lord. Please do this for her. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
If I have not specifically prayed for you, feel free to post a prayer. Also don't think I am not thinking or not praying for you Because I always am.
Now I don't usually do this but I feel compelled to now. I will post a pray for my situation and intention.
Heavenly Father Above. I come to you as your son, child, follower and servant. Father Please help me. I am in a great time of need. I long to be with the woman I love and solely desire. I want to be with her for so many reasons. All of which you know. Father please look into her heart and remove whatever it is that is blocking her from wanting to reconcile. Remove her sadness, her fear, her anger, her pride. Release her from any evil that may be holding her back. Show her how much she means to me. Fill her head with memories of our loving relationship. Remind her of all the little things. Of how we laughed constantly and made each other smile with the simplest gestures. She is the one for me Father. I know this for many reasons. But the one main reason I know she is the one is because you keep telling me she is. I will fight for her always. I will Love her endlessly and unconditionally. My love for her is true and it WILL persevere. She is the one. She will be by my side for the rest of my life. I ask this as a gift from you father. I ask this to be my lifes one true miracle. To be a real blessing. Please. I will not give up. I will not waiver. I will stand strong on your word and hold onto your promises. My faith is getting stronger and stronger by the day. My sadness comes and goes but my love for her will never fade. Hear my cries Lord. Hear my claims. I stand true to my convictions. Ana and I WILL RECONCILE. I believe it in my heart. I know it to be true. I Claim our reconciliation in the Name, Blood and Body of JESUS CHRIST! I am ready Father. Deliver her to me. I Pray, Believe and Receive this reconciliation in the name of your Precious, Holy and Glorious son. JESUS CHRIST! Amen
Thank you all for taking time if you read all of this. Love is dearly important to me. And I have found the one I love. She is the only one for me. GOD told me and showed me that. Keep Ana and I in your prayers my friends.
-Your Favorite Geek