Prayer Warrior
I am grateful for my children. I want to experience love and romance. I want to forgive and forget my ex-husband. I want him to do the same for me. I want a loyal partner. Please send me a man who wants me and appreciates what I can bring to the relationship. I want to serve You God. I want to find a man who wants to build a church and do right for You God. Why did my ex treat me so bad? Please take away whatever caused that and send me a man that I deserve who needs and wants me. I want to feel love and romance. I want my ex to go away and leave me alone forever. I want to pay my bills and live alone if I have to. Please protect me and drive away the demon who is my ex. Please forgive me for hating him and wanting him dead. I do not want to deal with his death. I want my kids to outlive me. I want my ex to receive everything he deserves. I hope if I have hurt or offended anyone that this prayer will help them to forgive me. Please keep us safe and protected and let the right candidate win the election swiftly and in peace. I want whatever will be best for my kids and their health. Forgive me if my sins and give me the heart and knowledge to tithe. Amen. Please…let me forgive and forget my ex. Stop me from trying to give him benefit of the doubt. Help to stop thinking and obsessing about him. Help me let him go forever. I wish I never met him. I regret the day he was born.