Name: Imran Hussain
Evil spirit attack from last 35 yrs.
Lt coronary arterial Blockage on 19/03/23
Angeoplasty operation on 20/03/2023
Apply stand
Still pain during walking
Profession: Doctor
Evil spirits still exist but they have no weapons. Jesus defeated them at the cross. All they can do is attack your mind and try to get you to do things that are against God's will. They can not live inside of you because God lives inside of you and won't allow it. They are powerless to harm you in any way.
God gave us the tools to fight them - they are found in the Bible:
1.Put on full armor of God
2.Pray a hedge of protection around you and your family
3.If they have stolen from you have them pay you back 7 fold.
4. Bind all evil sprits out of your life and your families life. What you bind on earth God will bind in heaven,
5.Then loose God's power to protect you, heal you and bless you.
6.You can also request enough Guardian and Warring Angels to protect you and keep evil spirits out of your life.
I will be praying in the same way for you.
I will bind all evil spirits from attacking your family from now on in Jesus name.