Prayer Warrior
I pray for great health, a new home, a new job, a new car. I pray for better days. I pray for healing from my past. I pray for protection from my enemies. I pray for protection from people when I’m walking. I can feel negative energy from people when I walk down the street. I felt some Peruvian lady or whatever race she was. I felt her staring at me giving me the evil eye when I was walking. This happened to me near my building. I felt like I always endure people like her around here; it’s very toxic. I pray for better days. I pray for healing. I wanted to kill myself but today I want to live. I just want to be a better woman, be truthful and more honest, and not be intimidated by people or be upset with them. I want to be confident in myself and I want to be able to stand up for myself. I had to catch the bus today and I didn’t have any money. A shuttle bus stopped by and dropped me off where I had to go but not exactly. I had to walk a couple of blocks until I had gotten back home. I forgot to check to see if I had money to get back home. I was going to go to the park but the boathouse was closed and it’s too cold for walking or just sitting down at the park. I pray for a home so I can be comfortable, grow, create new memories, and start a business. I don’t want to keep traveling to different towns all the time. The bus driver didn’t let me on and he was a ### man. They want you to have the money to get on the bus; some of them would let you on for free. I pray for a car so I don’t have to stress or worry about catching the bus. I pray that I can forgive myself for walking back and forth to different towns and not having any money. I was walking around everywhere for years; it was very bad. I thought I was healing or doing something that’s probably why people used to look at me wondering where I was coming from. I was all over the place; no saying that it’s any of their business but I was all over the place. I pray I get back to myself and heal. I didn’t like people walking near me. I didn’t like nobody. I had issues. I felt like the park was my home and that I owned the park. I hated it. I didn’t think I owned it but I would be there so much it became very bad. Me and my mother didn’t get along and she wouldn’t let me sleep. She would watch me in my sleep and would stare at my neck a lot which was weird. She would stare at me when I would get dressed in the morning and she didn’t want for me to leave the house or hang out with friends. Sometimes I went to the mall one time. I was shopping and she called me threatening to take me off of her phone bill because I didn’t pick up for her but I was shopping and trying to pick out something to wear. I believe I wasn’t thinking about my phone and when I got to it I had saw that she had called me. I pray for healing and for better days. I pray that I get back to myself. I feel like most of my life I’ve been depressed or suffered from some type of mental illness. I thought that I had gotten over it at one point of time. I was doing good. I pray that I get back to myself and get to know the real me and be able to heal from paranoia, anxiety, and depression. I pray for my body to start functioning healthily as it’s supposed to. My body is all over the place. I feel weak, stressed, tired, and unlike myself. I feel as if I’m getting worse. I feel as if the man upstairs is putting curses out on my body. He was over my head listening to me grab something from of the counter in the room. He was listening to me shower and wash my hands and use the bathroom and I saw him staring at me when I was standing at the bus stop. Someone must of told him something about me which made him have his guard up about me and watch me. I can feel him through the wall waiting to attack me. He did something to my eyes a few years ago. I was asleep and when I had turned over I felt like he put a curse on my eyes. I look unlike the real me. I bend down and hunch my shoulders a lot. I feel numb. I feel as if my nerves are messed up. I talked of my sickness to many people. My grandmother thought that if I keep talking of myself that way that something might happened. Another girl told me I was acting like an older woman because I kept saying I feel like an old lady. She was nice to me until her man came around and started holding doors open for me. She got mad about that. He was for her and older than me. I didn’t want that man. I pray for healing and for better days. I pray for my eyes to heal so I can see and be able to protect myself from negative people out on the streets. The area that I live in isn’t good. There’s a lot of foreigners around here and I feel weird living over here. One guy saw me standing up and he had told me to sit down like I should sit next to him. He was older than me and I didn’t know him then. My brothers girlfriend used to want to do my hair all the time. I felt like she mistreated me and I still feel today that she don’t like me. She started liking my mother better than me. She went and came in my house. She told my mother that she looked young and she had just waved at me from the kitchen. Something about her rubbed me the wrong way when I first saw her. She would walk around the area getting dressed up and I felt as if something was wrong with her. She was not the best interest for me. I felt bad around her as if she was trying to tell me how to do things. I wasn’t around my mother. I would stay at the local area park a lot and it used to be anybody going to that park that’s where I fell down on my knees. I felt like I couldn’t walk and just fell. I went to the hospital. They told me I had Covid. I know it came from my mother or somewhere. I kept myself clean. I wore my face mask. I hand sanitized my hands always and I worked and made sure I was safe. I pray for better days. I don’t want to be sick anymore. It’s like once I got Covid my body hasn’t been the same. I was not myself. My arms started to look thinner. I was walking around a lot outside. It was bad. I hated myself and didn’t like myself at all. I took care of myself and I did my hair but I wasn’t happy. My mother would be mad at me if I was happy. She attacked me for saying I was happy and smiling at her. She was very mean to me and I didn’t like her. I pray for healing and to get back to myself. I pray for brighter days. I pray for protection from my enemies. You can’t trust everyone or be sharing your business with everyone. I felt like everything I told my mother she would go back and tell my grandmother. Me and her stayed arguing. I felt like we were in competition with each other. She don’t understand me the way I want her to. I felt as if something was wrong with her. I felt as if she kept trying to make me talk to her or befriend her but she was evil. She wished death on me and tried to make me feel some type of way after that she was sick. I didn’t like her. She had her own issues. I don’t judge. I always tried to work with her but I felt like she was being fair towards me. She took my kindness for weakness. She would abuse me, curse me, and everything so did my ex bf. He used to get mad at me if a guy complimented me and were out in public. Men can do that if they find someone to be attractive. It’s not as if I was going home with them. That’s what I don’t understand then he would marry other women on fb. He gave me a disease. I should have broken up with him then and he still wanted to have sex with me instead of going to get checked. I hated that. I slept with him afterwards. He could have given it to me again. I don’t want to be with a man that’s not clean and don’t take care of himself or a man that loves women so much and just cheats because of lust. That’s not what I want from a man. I want my own family one day and I want to be happy. I want a husband and children. I don’t want to be sick or around people who intentionally try to make me sick with them. There’s a lot of negative people out there who just want to take other people down with them and destroy them. My mother is not righteous and she knew she was sick and she didn’t say anything. My grandmother was even worse for making me go back home to be with her. I was afraid. I couldn’t stand that she had did that towards me. I felt bad and automatically knew I wasn’t right or myself. I pray for healing and for better days. I pray for a new home. I don’t like the guy upstairs. He’s listening to my hands. I feel as if I should have been moved out and worked but I held myself back. People wanted to help me but I felt as if something was wrong with me. I just didn’t want to work in an office. I was not myself when I was going to school. I was upset and hated going to school. I didn’t like this one girl who used to help people at school. I felt like she didn’t like me. She was very negative and I felt like she wanted to be the star of the classroom. I let her shine and that dimmed my light and made me unhappy. My teacher noticed I wasn’t myself. I couldn’t stand being around her or working at school. I felt dumb. I was losing weight. I wasn’t looking like myself and that had really bothered me. I pray for healing and to get back to myself. I pray to not allow anyone to intimidate me or make me nervous or afraid. There’s a lot of toxic people out here in the world and sometimes you don’t know what to do but I pray that I don’t allow fear to stop me from shining or being confident. I always suffered from fear for a while working at all of my jobs. Some people would rub me the wrong way. I hated where I used to work. I hated my supervisor. I didn’t like some of the workers. It was toxic and made me stressed. I developed psoriasis and had a skin issue. My skin was breaking out. I had really bad cramps. I was all over the place. I couldn’t stand people. I hated myself even in school. I always had issues with the teachers. I barely passed my classes when I was in college, a community college. I didn’t know what to do with myself so I kept working. I pray to not be intimidated or afraid of anyone. I feel like I was my mother made me depressed and unhappy. I wasn’t as confident as I should have been. I was sad. I pray to heal and get back to myself. I pray to heal from women giving me negative stares. This happened to me a while ago when I was at church a couple of years ago. Some lady who would hand out the Bibles took a while to hand me a Bible and the young little girl grabbed it really fast, quicker than her, and gave it to me while she was just staring at me. Then I was at church a few years maybe four or three years ago, the same church, and three women were staring at me. One older woman and two younger children. It was really bad. They were watching my fingers and staring at me when I went to turn the page to find the scripture in the Bible. They looked freaked out. The next time I went to church she grabbed them close towards her and they wouldn’t look at me and would side-eye and just walk past me. I didn’t do anything wrong. I just turned the page. I was sitting down minding my business. Even when I would be paying attention towards the sermon I caught one of them walking past me just staring at me then when I was walking one of them complimented another girl that they would be with and I felt as if she tried to make me feel bad. I pray that I get back to myself and get myself together. There’s a lot of negativity surrounding me. I felt bad. I went to hospital. I told them that I felt as if the man upstairs was bothering me. They had put me inside of the hospital and started asking me if I hear voices or anything. I don’t hear voices but my skin crawls and twitches a lot. My feet feel painful. I get depressed sometimes and I feel uncomfortable with my height. I don’t look the same. I want to go back to my normal height where I felt like feminine more and more like myself. I pray for protection from some of these people out here on the streets. I was afraid of people especially them sitting too close to me on the bus. Some people would rub me the wrong way. Before I never worried about things like that but sometimes people say stuff on the bus. One girl told someone she was on the phone with that people act like they can’t move over and their was juice spilled or something wet spilled on the chair. I wasn’t going to sit in it so I stayed there. I didn’t move over. I don’t know what her problem was then I had issues with women. I used to work with one of the ladies I used to work with loved the way I looked and would compliment me all the time but I felt like the job was ghetto. She told a guy that she wanted me to be with him. He said he was single and ready looking for a female to date but I had a bf at the time. I guess it was ok for him to be honest. I pray for healing and I pray that I get back to myself. People at the hospital would talk down on me and rub me the wrong way. They couldn’t even help me with the issues I was having with my hands. I know myself and something strange happened to me a couple of years ago and I haven’t been right or myself ever since. I stopped hanging out with people and started traveling to parks going to see therapist and dealing with men who didn’t deserve me. It was bad. I hated that I chose that path. Now that I look back I was not myself then and talking to a therapist was ok but I had deeper issues that she wasn’t able to help with. She kept upping the prices for the copay and said my insurance was adding them in late. I pray for mind to be healed and for my physical body to be just as healthy so I won’t ever have to worry of paying a therapist for me to feel better that’s sick and crazy to me. She put me on medication and told me that it would help with the sessions and that I had to take medicine while I was in therapy. I was afraid of people. People were jealous of me because I was attractive and confident at one point. I would be confident about my appearance a lot. Of women would stare a lot would hate when I was walking this morning to catch the bus. Some lady was staring at me and walking slow and she did something soon as I turned around. This happened to me before when I was on the bus. I felt a Hispanic man. He went somewhere to try and figure me out then he came around the corner speed walking and when I had walked away and moved over he came closer and stood right beside me. Tough acting and I’m a girl. I didn’t feel comfortable so I walked away from him. I started to walk home and I felt safer doing that. I only lived up the block. Some people get scary at night. I don’t want to not feel safe or protected. I was coming home from work then one time I was standing at the bus stop. A guy stood right in front of me and started smoking a cigarette and he would look back a lot to see if I was staring at him. Another female came near me and asked me if I was ok and she stood there with me. I pray for confidence for my health to be excellent so I don’t fear anyone out of the streets. I pray for a new car. I pray for a new home. I pray for a new job. I pray for a new iPhone.