Faithful Servant
Jesus please help my health problems. Please also let the weather not be as bad as everyone says it is going to be tomorrow. I cannot handle trying to get to work in the snow as I am battling enough right now. Please help my husband he got something in his eye and it hurts so bad. Please also grant me mercy at my job. It is just impossible to get to the standard they expect and I am trying my best. I am desperately trying to find another job and in my search right now all I am encountering are positions that are too far away or require skills that I have not had the time to master. Please let there be a job out there for me that doesn't involve high-pressure and wouldn't require me to go back to school as I cannot do that right now. My strength is fading more each day. Simple tasks are becoming so difficult for me. I need simplicity in my life, not more stress. What I really need is a break and a lot of sleep and wish that I did not have to work and that I could just stay home with my son. Please also repair my relationship with my daughter. I don't know what else to do. Thank you Jesus, Amen.