Humble Servant of All
I pray for great health. I pray for a new home I pray for a new car I pray for a new iPhone I pray to be healed from my past I pray to stop allowing people to make me upset I pray for strength and protection I pray for a new home so I can relax and be healthy and happy I feel like the guy upstairs do things through the walls him and the man next door I pray to move away from it all even showering I feel like the man upstairs would be banging on the walls him and the man next door I feel like something is not right I pray for healing I pray for my mind to heal and for me to get back to myself I want to buy my own clothes I don't have any money to be able to right now I haven't had a job in a really long time and I've been staying at home a lot I pray for a new home I've been living here for a while now and would like better and to have my own place and to not have to rely on anyone else to take care of me I want to feel mature and independent I want to create new experiences for myself I pray that I stop allowing people to upset me I pray that my health gets better so I can move and be able to take care of my health and I pray to be healed from mild scoliosis and from flat feet I pray for my skin to clear up and I pray to lose weight I pray that my stomach goes down and get flat again I pray that I heal from the negative friendships that I used to have in the past one of the females I used to be friends with was talking to someone that I used to date and I feel like she only did that because her bf used to like me as her friend so he would talk to me a lot and she may have thought that something was going on but it wasn't I have a brother and I know how to laugh and be myself around men theres nothing more to it then she said that no one came to visit her when she had her baby me and my friend did come to visit her she was pregnant and couldn't go everywhere we went and she was mad at us about that she was very young when she got pregnant and had her child I pray for healing and that I'm able to provide for myself I want to make money so I can treat myself and buy myself nice things I felt like I was worrying about the wrong things and I was focused on women and not paying attention to myself I felt anxious around people and I wasn't dating the right men before or hanging around the right people I pray that I can get back to myself and heal from the past it really tore me apart I was traveling to another town for years and I had issues traveling it was bad I felt lost and out of control I would see people with their families and just being in their town I didn't feel right and I pray that I can learn to heal and get back to myself I pray that my body heals and go back to normal I felt like I gained a lot of weight and it's not easy for it to get off of me I want a flat stomach and a nice body but a healthy body as well I pray that my feet heal as well I have flat feet and I don't like that there's a small arch but I pray that the arch comes back and that I become healthy again. I pray for a new home so I can listen to music and watch movies my mother hasn't turned the TV on almost two years now so I'm in the house with no cable thank God we have wifi that's the only way I'm able to stay connected with the world I felt like I would walk around outside traveling going to the masjid a lot trying to find God/Allah but that was because I felt like God wasn't helping me and church isn't open always but there's a church near my house that's open everyday but it opens at 7pm I pray that God blesses me with a nice home in a good area so I can watch TV and be myself and learn things about myself and get back into makeup and fashion not too much on the makeup I like a bare face but sometimes I just like to wear makeup it looks nice on me I pray to get back to myself and start working out again and just being happy and enjoying life I haven't had anyone to hang out with in the past few years I was alone family members thought I was sick and wanted me to take care of myself and get better I was anxious about saying bad things about someone and my health started to change because of that I started to not take care of myself I started to hate myself I didn't want to wake up or be alive I felt suicidal and I never felt that way before guilt was eating me up and I knew that I would not be ok because of what I had said I felt like how could I actually live with myself I didn't like myself at all and I'm still kind of accepting myself and learning how to forgive myself for all the bad things I've done and how I talked bad about people who upset me that's not like me I pray for healing and strength I pray for brighter days I pray for a new car and a new iPhone I pray for healing spiritually mentally and physically I pray for a new bike I pray for healing from my past I pray that my eyes and head heal I feel like the neighbor upstairs put a spell on my body him and my brother too I felt like my brother didn't like me for a while and he would talk bad about me to my cousin and to other family members and he was trying to always argue with me and fight with me I felt afraid of him he got a restraining order on me once I had to pray to God to have it be removed and it was I can't trust him after that and have to keep my distance because ain't no telling what he may do later I've been nothing but nice towards him and he was mean towards me when I was younger he threatened to smack me in front of my cousin and I'm a girl and she was a girl and she didn't do anything to defend me and I felt like I couldn't be around them too very evil people I pray for healing I pray to heal from all the times I had fought with my brother he was trying to project fear unto me he treated his girlfriends better then he treated me and got mad at me because she said something to me about him and he didn't want me to know he was weird I don't trust him and just pray for complete healing I pray for healing from the pain that my mother caused me and leaving me alone with him inside the house knowing that we wasn't getting along she used to go with family members it's like she was rushing to get away from me to be around them she used to act really strange around family members when I was with her I felt trapped like she wanted me to feel less than her and didn't want me to talk or be myself she used to speak for me all the time I have a mouth of my own and now she's trying to make me collect SSI and trying to convince me that I have a mental illness she told me that my mind wasn't right she was the one was projecting mental illness on me before I went to the hospital she used to watch me in my sleep she was a very strange woman I know that's my mother but I would say the things she used to do was strange and she didn't want me to have my own room or get my own apartment and she told me she wanted me to move near her she told me she didn't want me to cut my hair and said I look better with hair but I feel like every hairstyle she never liked and she just always had an issue with my appearance and anything that I ever done. I pray for healing I pray that I can heal from all the pain and trauma that her and my grandmother caused me I pray for a new beginning and learn how to take better care of my self appearance I pray that I start to make better health decisions I pray that my neck heals and my back and head and my breathing I feel unreal like a ghost something happened to me when I was in the house before the guy upstairs was listening to me talk and soon as I said something it's like something had got inside of my mouth and ever since then I been feeling some kind of way I pray for forgiveness from all the things I've done in my past that weren't righteous I pray to forgive myself for continuing to stay with my aunt when I knew her daughter didn't like me I felt like she was jealous and in competition with me a very strange situation to be in I pray to heal from that situation I pray to heal from saying things to people out on the streets I wasn't behaving like myself and was mad because I felt like my situation wasn't righteous I pray for healing I pray for brighter days I said something to a girl on the elevator well near the elevator because she was staring at me when I had walked out of the house and I asked her what she was looking at small things like that I pray to be forgiven for because she didn't touch me she was just looking I pray to be forgiven for arguing with the man upstairs and arguing with him on the staircase every time I saw him I don't need to be arguing and fighting with men I'm a lady and anything could've happened to me I pray that things get better for me I pray for healing from my past.