Beloved of All
Perfect diggestion.
Perfect deep breathing.
Acid go back to normal!!
Any worry/anxiety be cast into the hell in the name of Jesus!
I proclaim that i am healed by the stripes of Jesus!
I rebuke diarrhrea, gastritis, anxious nervosity and every evil symptom of any sickness in the name of Jesus.
I rebuke any harmful bacteria.
I rebuke any virus.
I rebuke to much acid-
I rebuke any swelling.
I rebuke any bloating.
I rebuke any inflammation.
I rebuke any irritation.
I purge myself, my spirit, soul, body and mind with the blood of Jesus from anything that is not from God, any symptom, any evil spirit, any toxin, any obstacle in Jesus name.
I proclaim that i am healed by every wound on Jesus body.
The word of God tells us that we should resist the devil and he will flee, so I comand you:
Satan, get lost from my body and mind. Pack your things and go, you dont belong here, I AM THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!!
I am healed.
I am whole.
Shalom of God is ruling in my body.
I am the righteousness of God.
I believe against all hope.
I believe against all circumstances.
I believe although sometimes is difficult to believe.
I am healed and i imagine what can i eat and do as i am already healed because i am healed 2000 years ago and even before the foundation of the world in the mind of God. I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE and i command right now every cell of my body, every gland, every organ, every tissue, every bone, every muscle, every mollecule of my body, especially my stomach, intestines, diggestive system, my endocrine system, my teeth and teeth gums to be perfectly healthy, healed, restored and whole in the name of Jesus.
I rebuke any worry, fear, unbelief, doubt that i am not healed and that i will not be healed, because i am healed!!
I rebuke any worry, fear, unbelief and doubt that God will not answer my prayers and fullfill my needs.
Even right now i receive every of my needs fullfilled, every desire of my heart granted in the name of Jesus. Because you came that we might have life Jesus, and life more abundantly.
I stand on the rock Jesus Christ and PROCLAIM THAT I HAVE FAITH, THAT MOVES THE MOUNTAINS FOR MY HEALING, FAITH THAT OVERCOMES THE WORLD, IMMOVABLE AND UNSHAKABLE FAITH, i resiste the devil, the world, i crash and destroy all strongholds concerning my healing (generational deseases) and i purify my mind with the water of the word of God from anything that is not of God, standing in the way of my healing, peace and joy, fullfilled life in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Perfect deep breathing.
Acid go back to normal!!
Any worry/anxiety be cast into the hell in the name of Jesus!
I proclaim that i am healed by the stripes of Jesus!
I rebuke diarrhrea, gastritis, anxious nervosity and every evil symptom of any sickness in the name of Jesus.
I rebuke any harmful bacteria.
I rebuke any virus.
I rebuke to much acid-
I rebuke any swelling.
I rebuke any bloating.
I rebuke any inflammation.
I rebuke any irritation.
I purge myself, my spirit, soul, body and mind with the blood of Jesus from anything that is not from God, any symptom, any evil spirit, any toxin, any obstacle in Jesus name.
I proclaim that i am healed by every wound on Jesus body.
The word of God tells us that we should resist the devil and he will flee, so I comand you:
Satan, get lost from my body and mind. Pack your things and go, you dont belong here, I AM THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!!
I am healed.
I am whole.
Shalom of God is ruling in my body.
I am the righteousness of God.
I believe against all hope.
I believe against all circumstances.
I believe although sometimes is difficult to believe.
I am healed and i imagine what can i eat and do as i am already healed because i am healed 2000 years ago and even before the foundation of the world in the mind of God. I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE and i command right now every cell of my body, every gland, every organ, every tissue, every bone, every muscle, every mollecule of my body, especially my stomach, intestines, diggestive system, my endocrine system, my teeth and teeth gums to be perfectly healthy, healed, restored and whole in the name of Jesus.
I rebuke any worry, fear, unbelief, doubt that i am not healed and that i will not be healed, because i am healed!!
I rebuke any worry, fear, unbelief and doubt that God will not answer my prayers and fullfill my needs.
Even right now i receive every of my needs fullfilled, every desire of my heart granted in the name of Jesus. Because you came that we might have life Jesus, and life more abundantly.
I stand on the rock Jesus Christ and PROCLAIM THAT I HAVE FAITH, THAT MOVES THE MOUNTAINS FOR MY HEALING, FAITH THAT OVERCOMES THE WORLD, IMMOVABLE AND UNSHAKABLE FAITH, i resiste the devil, the world, i crash and destroy all strongholds concerning my healing (generational deseases) and i purify my mind with the water of the word of God from anything that is not of God, standing in the way of my healing, peace and joy, fullfilled life in Christ Jesus. Amen.