Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not DOUBT in his HEART, but shall BELIEVE that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass, he shall have WHATSOEVER he saith.
After you declare the word of God, and have spoken to the mountain, casting it into the sea, one of two elements will manifest in YOU -#1 UNBELIEF that says from the heart, I need to be healed, and ACTS accordingly! #2 Faith that says from the heart, Thank God I am Healed, and ACTS accordingly!
2 Corinthians 4:13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken, we also believe, and therefore speak.
Many have deceived themselves into thinking that are operating in FAITH when they are full of UNBELIEF! FAITH proclaims, believes, receives, acts upon the fact it is done, it AS DONE!
For over forty years, I have walked in this reality, receiving my HEALING EVERY TIME! Let me share one example of receiving healing that just happened to me this week.
About two weeks ago, I woke up with excruciating pain in my right armpit. The first thing that happens is that fear tries to come. Now God has not given us a spirit of fear, so I refuse to accept it. I did not allow thoughts or images, or ideas of what could be wrong to run through my mind. Immediately I acted upon Mark 11:23 and 24. I spoke to the pain, the spirit of infirmity, telling the lying devil to come out of my body. (which is the temple of the Holy Ghost) I told him that he had no right to afflict me. That by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am, not that I’m going to be healed, but that I am healed.
Did the pain leave pastor Mike? Wrong question! Who cares if the symptoms or pain left! Let God be true and every thing else a liar. Abraham was strong in faith not considering his body. I never consider the pain or the circumstances in my body. My body is not my boss, neither are symptoms or circumstances. After I spoke to the spirit of infirmity, I began to praise God. Throughout the coming days I continued to thank God that it was done.
Now in the natural, it got worse, the pain under my arm continued. I just kept thanking God that by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed. I did not tell one living soul of what was going on. It wasn’t the fact that I was hiding it. I simply didn’t need to because I was healed. As time went on, it seemed to be getting worse. I am not telling you that I did not at times rub under my arm with my left hand the part that was sore now about four days ago on Oct 20, I unconsciously rubbed the sore spot again. Now there was a hard lump about the size of the pit of a peach. What did I do? I laughed at the devil. Literally. The scripture literally says he’ll cause us to laugh at calamity. I laughed at the devil because I know his shenanigans. I told him, devil, you are a liar, by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed. I am not going to be healed. If I am healed then I don’t need to go see a doctor, take medicine, tell people about what’s happening, operate in fear or panic. I laughed at the devil, and at the same time thanking and praising God that what Christ did on the whipping post 2000 years ago took care of my sicknesses, illnesses and diseases.
The pain continued through that whole day as it had done the previous days. The next morning I woke up and now there was pain also underneath my left armpit. What did you do, pastor Mike? I laughed at the devil because I am not ignorant of his devices. I do not allow the spirit of fear to operate in me. Now staying away from a doctor will not get you healed. Keeping your mouth shut will not get you healed. You simply must know, that you know that you know it is Done. I knew in my heart this was nothing but a trick of the devil. Whenever I have gotten close to the manifestation of my healing, it always gets worse. I learned this truth almost 40 years ago. Though that whole day the pain was racking my right armpit and now my left armpit. I simply laughed at the devil. I did not tell my wife, or try to get people to pray for me. Why would I need to do that? By the stripes of Jesus I am, and if I am, I was, and if I was, I is – Bless God, I is healed! I woke up the next morning with over 90% of the pain completely gone. The lump underneath my right armpit gone! My healing had manifested. But as far as I was concerned it really did not matter because I knew, that I knew, that I knew I was healed.
Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not DOUBT in his HEART, but shall BELIEVE that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass, he shall have WHATSOEVER he saith.
After you declare the word of God, and have spoken to the mountain, casting it into the sea, one of two elements will manifest in YOU -#1 UNBELIEF that says from the heart, I need to be healed, and ACTS accordingly! #2 Faith that says from the heart, Thank God I am Healed, and ACTS accordingly!
2 Corinthians 4:13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken, we also believe, and therefore speak.
Many have deceived themselves into thinking that are operating in FAITH when they are full of UNBELIEF! FAITH proclaims, believes, receives, acts upon the fact it is done, it AS DONE!
For over forty years, I have walked in this reality, receiving my HEALING EVERY TIME! Let me share one example of receiving healing that just happened to me this week.
About two weeks ago, I woke up with excruciating pain in my right armpit. The first thing that happens is that fear tries to come. Now God has not given us a spirit of fear, so I refuse to accept it. I did not allow thoughts or images, or ideas of what could be wrong to run through my mind. Immediately I acted upon Mark 11:23 and 24. I spoke to the pain, the spirit of infirmity, telling the lying devil to come out of my body. (which is the temple of the Holy Ghost) I told him that he had no right to afflict me. That by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am, not that I’m going to be healed, but that I am healed.
Did the pain leave pastor Mike? Wrong question! Who cares if the symptoms or pain left! Let God be true and every thing else a liar. Abraham was strong in faith not considering his body. I never consider the pain or the circumstances in my body. My body is not my boss, neither are symptoms or circumstances. After I spoke to the spirit of infirmity, I began to praise God. Throughout the coming days I continued to thank God that it was done.
Now in the natural, it got worse, the pain under my arm continued. I just kept thanking God that by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed. I did not tell one living soul of what was going on. It wasn’t the fact that I was hiding it. I simply didn’t need to because I was healed. As time went on, it seemed to be getting worse. I am not telling you that I did not at times rub under my arm with my left hand the part that was sore now about four days ago on Oct 20, I unconsciously rubbed the sore spot again. Now there was a hard lump about the size of the pit of a peach. What did I do? I laughed at the devil. Literally. The scripture literally says he’ll cause us to laugh at calamity. I laughed at the devil because I know his shenanigans. I told him, devil, you are a liar, by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed. I am not going to be healed. If I am healed then I don’t need to go see a doctor, take medicine, tell people about what’s happening, operate in fear or panic. I laughed at the devil, and at the same time thanking and praising God that what Christ did on the whipping post 2000 years ago took care of my sicknesses, illnesses and diseases.
The pain continued through that whole day as it had done the previous days. The next morning I woke up and now there was pain also underneath my left armpit. What did you do, pastor Mike? I laughed at the devil because I am not ignorant of his devices. I do not allow the spirit of fear to operate in me. Now staying away from a doctor will not get you healed. Keeping your mouth shut will not get you healed. You simply must know, that you know that you know it is Done. I knew in my heart this was nothing but a trick of the devil. Whenever I have gotten close to the manifestation of my healing, it always gets worse. I learned this truth almost 40 years ago. Though that whole day the pain was racking my right armpit and now my left armpit. I simply laughed at the devil. I did not tell my wife, or try to get people to pray for me. Why would I need to do that? By the stripes of Jesus I am, and if I am, I was, and if I was, I is – Bless God, I is healed! I woke up the next morning with over 90% of the pain completely gone. The lump underneath my right armpit gone! My healing had manifested. But as far as I was concerned it really did not matter because I knew, that I knew, that I knew I was healed.