Disciple of Prayer
Let who loves me be able to be breathe near me go ice skating maybe open a roller rink / ice skating rink JoJo's fun and games with put put golf waterslides a fun park
secretly it's made for a solution to keep my people safe 20 percent of the prosperity will go to God's kingdom homeless ministry children's ministry will be going to the that didn't rip out my soul for Hass rip out the people God loves souls. I apply for jobs and new doors open in LA a job in acting, weather 
news, something really profitable so everyone recognizes my face
and then thinks oh that's her and my kids family that is a good thing innocents are secretly covered as none of your business manifesting BOAZ'S RICH
anyone trying the ones I love that God has loved all along know in there hearts why they love me now because of the God in me and they have peace about that to no one is jealous of me anymore instead they love me and understand that I didn't have a choice being called this way and it's not been fun being killed everyday. Because Hass and 2 guys God wanted were completely with other women I have protection with Enrique always he can be by my side my heart 
doesn't do well when he's not near me and my BOAZ'S and BOAZ'S aren't just men but they know who they for me and my 3 kids. I get a make over and Enrique is never ripped out of my soul and I'm not ripped out of his or my BOAZ'S for us as well and my kids family that is a good thing innocents forever
. I have a heart Hass still and it needs protection the other 2 I don't anymore however I care for there kids and I have a heart for Joey Riley somewhat still but I'm not in love with Joey he left me to die to long. I didn't get a wedding
nursery no hearts desires all my vehicles have been always cursed everything I touch was cursed for people to secretly listening
kill us that's MO. Let these wicked people have there witchcraft back
of circle 
of failure and then help me My Mom my kids in Sacramento county be able to come to LA and then we go home to New Passage
100 FOLD
Psalm 5 12 DNA
no one touches my soul my kids family that is a good thing innocents Enrique Hass everyone God wanted and desired near me for his purposes of beauty. Then hit
passage X3
. I have my movements back
energy back memories back my kids family that is a good thing innocents and miracles today doors open wide a new job a new place to live a husband hearts desires absolutely beautiful life that I love 
no ones JOY of the LORD beauty of the LORD is taken from me my kids family that is a good thing innocents. Because my Oma was a prisoner of war camp u have to look dirty hair oily skin in attractive to not get raped by the soldiers. I my kids family that is a good thing innocents have Psalm 5:12 on us the Shield
is up no more rape on my soul my kids family that is a good thing innocents Because that's all I have had and I want Oma
set free she is 90 and my Uncle's doesn't go in the room where My other uncle because that was done by the Paula's ALBERT RICK MARIA Teresa Paula's Rick Maria and Albert Rick Maria Salcedo let these people have there evil
Christina Harrow Creller Kayleena VISS Freeman Fergusons Shaleen Wolfinger Jessica religious weirdo Kyle all weird selfish followers of the Magic men leave them that have killed the world
for dreams come true let them not have anyone's energy beauty of the Lord then Let Hass be extraordinary so I don't have to get mad 
at him today the God in me hates as it is for killing me and God Almighty heart 
plus he looks like Albert Salcedo Luis Torres the people who pray to kill God is just energy so he looks like the my daughter but I don't see that because he reminds of my ex's who are awful
and I want a good one this time not someone who go near Shaleen Wolfinger Freeman drama in everything and extreme anxiety. ALL NARRATOR AND CORNDOGSSSSSZZZZZZ
secret tubes to suck our luck back
take back
. All Narrator byeeeeeee corndogssssszzzzzz byeeeeeee curses keep them FOREVER they made them let there debt My kids family that is a good thing innocents are RICH
in the Lord and then we're protected by the covering of the blood of Jesus. Myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents Boaz's that are a good thing for me my kids are redeemed from all curses let them keep them plus give them immediately the midday curses they not able to get back up take back your weird Covid 19. No keys for them at all no water control for them secret agents can't listen online for anything cannot go in our phones cannot use demons through mirror
mirrors cannot use pixel power cannot use Music power cannot use any of my domains Dominion energy DNA signatures period permanently for me my kids family that is a good thing innocents BOAZ'S that are a good thing they want us near them they are happy and we all live a life we love with fun times as well we get to have drinks together mimosers in the morning 

just a fun life so I'm not alone with no home and no hope forever
take there feet
fr them like Larry the Fiery Brands who secretly take feet congregation Luis Torres and weirdos let there weirdos Narrator corndogssssszzzzzz have there debt today they give me money 
in the bible it's Gold 
there name
is Egypt I get a cute convertible car 

my Sante Fe is paid off
. The loan works with me easily doesn't take the car 
I want to bankrupt it but if BOAZ's can pay it off I want the door fixed it goes to the mechanic
shops to take out curses from the right people some just clean it spiritual cleansing Im need ing no one knows about that's cute to get to the store until the Hyundai Santa Fe comes back to me from supposed to be a blessing I'm named her sexy bitch and instead I got killed with no one good heart desire with a husband or my family she's know names Blessed breakthroughs or something or blessing Neh 13 2 Flip every curse sent my way my kids family that is a good thing innocents into a blessing in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen