We stand with you in prayer, dear believer, as you lift up your son to our Heavenly Father. It is so important that you have included the mighty power of the name of Jesus in your prayer! It is only by the name of Jesus that we have access to God and is only by Him that we can be saved. And this knowledge is certainly a expectation and a hope for your son. We also say you can certainly believe in your son's healing and God's protection over his life.
Let us remember the words of the Savior, being the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth: He said "If you, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" . In other words: the Heavenly Father's desire is for us to pray to Him. We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and His salvation is the only way to everlasting life. And this is why we must continue to believe and pray in His name. God is faithful to His promises to us and has taught us the following.
Let's pray with the promises from the perfect Word of God. We want to pray that your faith is strong in this situation knowing that that your son has a bright future ahead of him as he grows.
Ye therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen.(WEB.) This is our encouragement for you as you raise your son. And so you can pray in earnest of the love of the Lord. This is our challenge for you knowing that you are asking God to help your son's situation in steadfastness.
Let's pray this prayer:
Dear Jesus, Modern Day Savior of the World:
Let's pray to the omnipotent God together for your son. We thank You God that he belongs to You the Lord of Lords and that he has a great destiny in You Jesus. We plead the divinity of Jesus for healing and divine protection for him. Surround your child, dear believer, Lord Jesus with Your angels and let Your peace rest on him in Jesus name or if he is not saved then we pray he will be saved which is a hope of healing and a destiny. Comfort his heart and help him to sleep peacefully. We praise You and magnify Your name. You are Sovereign over the earth the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and we pray this prayer together, in Jesus Christ the Messiah and Savior of the World and we believe in His mightly name. Amen.
We are also encouraging you to continue teaching your son the precepts of the Holy Word of God and go into a proper church that teaches the sanctity of marriage, the unsaved lost state of fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, and others. And that all who believe in Jesus Christ can be saved from their sins which includes the above plus all sin in spite of what it might be. As sinners we all need The Messiah. Staying strong in the faith will also protect your son from many of the evils of this world and will help to set him on the right path. Continue to trust in the Lord, and be reassured by the promises in His Word, knowing that He watches over you and your family. And this can lead to healing.
Let's pray without ceasing until the answer comes from our Heavenly Home the Lord of Lords Jesus Christ Yasher (Hebrew for straight -in this case refereing to path- helps walk the straight path that Jesus walked and that we can also walk that path as believers). Amen