I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. Keep your focus and know that everything is going to be alright. All things will workout for your good.
Let’s Pray: God thank You for who You are and all that You stand for. You represent all that is good in my life. Thank You for accepting me as Your child, loving me, and taking care of me. Without You Lord Jesus in my life, my life would be weighed down by sin, worry, and fear. All I would deserve is death and the grave. But You changed all that by loving me so much that You died for me. God Thank You for life and life more abundantly in Christ Jesus.
God I ask in Jesus’ name, “When I face trials comfort me Lord Jesus. When my life seems darkest, please come to me; bringing Your light, peace, and understanding. Help me think clear righteous thoughts and fill my heart with Your light and encouragement. Teach me how to look to You and seek You to bless and supply all my need. When doubt, fear, and anxiety try to enter in, fill me with courage, faith, and determination. Wrap Your arms around me, hold me, and just love on me. Bless me with Your blessed assurance that everything is going to be alright. Show me how to hold on to Your peace, Your Word, and all that You have promised me in Your Word. When I don’t know which way to go, please lead me by Your Holy Spirit. Show me the road to take. Help me make the right decision.
God ALL that I have asked of You in this prayer please do the same for my family, my friends, the writer of this prayer, and the one who sent this prayer to me. We need You Lord Jesus. Supply all our need according to Your riches and glory. Lead and guide us by Your Holy Spirit. Let Your blessings fall upon us and overtake us. And Lord Jesus teach us (my family, friends, brothers, & sisters in Christ) how to encourage each other in Christ to hold on to Your Word and Live this life as a reflection of the Love that You have for us. Teach us how to pray and intercede for each other to live successful lives in Christ. Amen, so be it, and it is so….
Thinking of You…Praying For You!
Encourager Linda Flagg, LM, CS
Christian Life Coach & Youth Minister