Prayer Partner
my grandma need healign he she need to ebs ttrengthende. she has been bedridden for many years please Lord aksign for a mriacle. i also have soem dmeosn phobia stha ti need cas tout by our Lord Jesus Chris tonly He has the power. pleas eLor dheal my mom of asperger synrdrom and depression. giv ehe rmeerry heart al thigns ar epossble wiht oyu. please hela me of diabetes diabetes insipidus nd kidney diseas emy teeht . plese hela my moms teeth and mouth. plese heal my grandm apleas ehlp em care for her and clena the house. help me to hear oyur voice Lord and protect me fom the devi. please giv eme the courage to keep gogin. askign for a mriacle and for eevryoen a mriacle. pelas ebless my parent swiht health logn happy life i pray you guide them wiht oyur Holy spsiit an dbrign helaign to every are of their lives. please heal my dad heart valve pleas ehal hsi isntbale insulin and his viison adn dehydraiton issues. may he knwo he is lved by YOu lovrd and his fmaily touch him and heal his body. bless him abundnaytla nd my mom . pleas ehal B ine very way bles shim in every area of his lfi eprotect himf rom the enemy free himf orm alldemonic opression please deliver himf orm smokign and alchhaul addiction. please dleiver me form alldemosn ( phobia sdepression) frigv e my sisn adn lakc of trsut. pleas eha ym grandm and giv em et he strgnth to eb the careivve royu clal em to be. forgive me for wasitgn time. her ei am Lord. please giv eme another chance. pelas ehal my brother of histmien intolernac edehyrationd epresison if you has asperger snyodmr om that too. also heal Bi f he has asperger syndorm. pelas epelase el them take thre garbage no probles thanky uf or bette rboiler funcitont hank YOu Lord. thnak you Lord for this da.y i lvoe oyu thanky ou for forgiivng me and saivng em. please hep me belvie htis. pelasegiv elal hoimelss warm shelter please take away cancer flehs eatign bacteria covid diabetes diabetes isipidus form all peole. please bring salvaiotnt o all all prodicals home. please giv em best wsidom hwo to help my fmaiy and myself. take awa ymy fears please. guide usalw ith oyur holy spirit. take away all fears adn anxiety bodnage to the deivl in every and in anway formt he poepel tíke away all bodag to the enemy in every way. se tus free so we can serve oyu better pelase help us do oyur will. thank you for proviign protecitgn helaig helpig rsstoign and givign us Victory through Chirs otur Lor. pleas ehelp em tongiht os i haevt he strenght energy to do goo diaper change and feed my grandma godo food. pleas ehal my moms brian and heal everyone brian who needs it. thnaky ou. int henameof hte Lord Jeus Chirs.t pleas ehal Vilike's brian heal him and my whoel fmaiyl form flehs eaitgn bcteri blood diseases strep pelas hela my uncel spinal comulum new sharp teethf or him and fmaiyl please protc thim form allunclean spriits and brign helaign to his whole flehs mriculoulsy may God be gorified through him and my grand ma my mom my brothe rhis sid eof famiyl his wife kids adad B may God be gloriife htough us. pelase strenght en us all. pelase provide for poor needy peopel . PLeas epelapleaseplaepalse please dleiver everyoen form aldemosn fear sphobias i ebg you Lord heal th mentally ill so they may be no more mentlaly ill but have osudn midn and YOur perfect Love cas tout allfear formt he poepel all torment frmt he poeple. give wisodm to all and those in authority do oyur willa dn thos esubject toundr them. please bels sprotect my ubby my one flehs hubyb formt he Lord protect and dleive rhimf rom allevil spirits dleiver him and be form all eivl spirits and whatever prevent us form ebign oen felhs.Lord brign helaign to oru lives an duide brign us totgehter by your Holy spirit only. protec tme form ocutnerfeit husband. if B is nto my husband Lor di ask you step in cleary and interv. thnak you. i plead oyu Holy blood upn allt he word intentiosn of this prayer my sisn and the sidns of my mamiyl. hver mery pelas hela allepoe in your name int henameof the Lord Jesus Christ name i pray.