What a wonderful promise coming out from Jesus own heart because He knew that we will be going through a huge pandemic, seeing people dying in the streets in the middle of a war that no one can stop. Jesus knew that our hearts and our minds are failing full of fear and lost hope of a bright future in our life.
If God can feed the birds of the earth, God can feed your thristing soul. He is the One who promised to send a Comforter, the precious Holy Spirit to be with us forever.
Holy Spirit fill us with Thy love.
Comfort our troubled souls.
We need You every single day of our life.
Holy Spirit make us whole and pure.
Break us and make us all a new living souls.
To praise and glorify Your holy name.
Fill us,
Wake us up.
Lift our souls to Thee.
Let us all thank God
Sending the Comforter.
He shall be with us.
Forever and ever more.
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I said unto you.
John 14.26
If God can feed the birds of the earth, God can feed your thristing soul. He is the One who promised to send a Comforter, the precious Holy Spirit to be with us forever.
Holy Spirit fill us with Thy love.
Comfort our troubled souls.
We need You every single day of our life.
Holy Spirit make us whole and pure.
Break us and make us all a new living souls.
To praise and glorify Your holy name.
Fill us,
Wake us up.
Lift our souls to Thee.
Let us all thank God
Sending the Comforter.
He shall be with us.
Forever and ever more.
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I said unto you.
John 14.26