Prayer Partner
Some of you may remember I used to write prayer requests about the man I'm in love with. I stopped posting almost 6 months ago, when I told him I like him & he said he just sees me as a really good friend. For a little while, I was just heartbroken & I'd try to still interact with him on a friendship level but it always felt awkward. Then, things started feeling less & less awkward. I prayed more & more and remembered the prayers from before. God gave me the signs I prayed for (If it's meant to be, I'd see a green butterfly & a yellow lizard, neither of which I'd seen before. If it's not meant to be, I wouldn't see both. I continue to see these both often.), as well as signs I may not have specifically prayed for but they weigh very heavily on me. I also have just had these overwhelming feelings & have even heard the audible voice of God. At this point, I felt completely positive that it was going to happen one day but I was struggling with the waiting & I channeled this into writing 16 songs about the situation. Eventually, there was no awkwardness at all & we interacted as much as we did before that big conversation! Then things started getting flirtier & flirtier. Recently, things have felt very different in a great way! A couple weeks ago, he reached out to me to ask me to help with something he knows I'm great at & more than willing to do for him. This turned into a 3 day long conversation about a variety of topics. The thing that got me was, he was getting upset about the theater he was working with for an upcoming show an hour away from me & wanting to cancel. I tried to talk him out of it, but he truly thought he didn't have a choice, which I understood, given the way the theater was acting. I told him to reschedule for somewhere else in the area sometime soon, but told him not to try the 1st week of summer vacation again (caused low ticket sales last time) or the week I'm going to be out of town. He <3 this & anything else I said that was more personal or flirty. He said, "We'll figure it out," which I thought sounded more like "We'll find a way to meet up," than "I'll find a place to perform." He wrote back to me a day or 2 later to ask if I'm close to this one city. I looked it up & wrote back that it's 3.5 hours away & I would be willing to make that trip. Is he planning on doing a show there? He sent me a promo video he'd just made & I got excited... until I realized it was for the day I'm traveling back from my church trip on a bus all day & we won't be home anywhere near in time. I wrote him back to tell him. He kept saying it's ok & it's all good, but it didn't seem like he really meant that & he knows I didn't think it was ok. I did some research & he has a show in a couple months that's only 2.5 hours from me! I haven't told him about that yet, but I'm very much looking forward to it! I'm also getting a hotel so I don't have to make a long drive on unfamiliar roads late at night, so I really have 2 days I can hopefully spend with him! So... jump to yesterday. He made a post on facebook. I commented on it. His reply started with, "I love ya. I appreciate ya." I immediately <3 his comment & replied starting with, "I love ya too." He immediately <3 that! 3 things make me think he really meant it! 1)He STARTED the conversation this way! It wasn't just some afterthought or sign-off. Plus, it's visible to everyone without having to click "see more." In fact, 1 lady posted a GIF last night, showing a baby smugly laughing & wagging his finger saying, "I see you," which has no relation to the initial post & was posted right after our conversation, clearly aimed at us. Another regular fan of his liked his comment to me. He hasn't gotten too nervous or embarrassed & taken anything down either! 2) He may have used "ya" instead of "you," but he also used "I," which holds a lot of bearing when it comes to these things. 3) He knows I like him in a romantic way. I honestly don't believe he would throw around a word like "love" to me if he didn't mean it! My mom (who has been skeptical since he said we were just friends) & friends all agree that this seems to finally be happening! My prayer is that God's will be done in both of our lives & our life together. I pray that He will give us both the wisdom & guidance to know what to say, how to say it, when to say it, & what to do. I pray that He gives us both the patience, hope, peace, & trust in His timing that we need. I pray that everything happens in His way & His time. I praise God for getting me this far & not allowing things to happen outside of His perfect timing!