Beloved of All
Im so tire dof illnesses and mentla struggles phobias dmeosn Lor dpelas ehelp me also send soeoen intomy lfie who is kidn ibeg you someoen who owont bully me pelae God heave emrcy pelas eim always sutck wihtt he same peope everyday ald ay year after year if eel so down cna oyu help me pelase can i leave htis bausive enviroenemtn hwo am i suppose dot eave when inm supposed ot eb keeper at hoem ifeel liek God owont ever help em im stukc forver in abusive ocntroillgin situation alway ocntorleld Lor dpelas ehlep i wann honroiu you but i wanna die how do iliv liek this cna you help me Lor di feel i ened help btu you neevr help all their is is abuse and mroe abus emro comamnds mroe submission ifeel sreapped aloen sad help this is insnity isLORd hwre ar eoyu inee oyu pelas ei feel trapped everday same prayer ofr herl adn wamr bath PLEAe i dotn wan to vie anmroe why wont gGod help em why do women lways avhave to eb cotnorleld and baus di can tlive liek this i have no voice as woman than send amn to have voive for me how doe shti sevn work im lost otn do this to em Lor di cant do this i dont knwo how to go on i wanan be free help ugh why wont oyu help emi dotn wan tolvie anymor eand i cant get help the Lor diwll nto help me no matter how mcuh ak hre want sme sufetrr and die i cant fake htis anymor eGo why cant oyu help em wht o i have to do to be heard dont you cyre dont you care dont you car ei