Prayer Partner
pleas epray of rmy dads health and safety and dslavation.Lor di odnt want ot lose HIm. forgiv eme.bnbels shim wiht happy health lognlife also mymom and grandma anBé and B V and brothe rand his fmaily. Lor dplease help em to to be born again and also seek YOu. i suffer ofrm depression and autoimmune illness. also please Lor dhela that man's fathe rofm cancer. prolongue his if ehal him mricululs yuflly restore him adn also that 35 year old .pelas heal my grandma ofrm demenita and also her whole body mind will emoitons nd mood. hela my mom of asperger syndorm and heal Bélas heart valve and my dad giv ehtme plenty of oxygen.Im worried baout my dad Lor dpleas ele thim be okay send trillions of Holy angels otministe runto Him.please also guid elapeoel wiht oyu Holy spirit. please giv em a Godly husband hela him of al he needs helaign and make him whole . i pray this for lalpeoel in the nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. also dleive rme form addiction to web surf shopping. i need a new stress relase outlet. help me do what needs ot be doen today. help me care for my grandma nd help my mom.pelas heal and restore all on this site and thier fmaiylloved B form alchahulima nd smokign addiction and root cause theros destory. hela his teeht andbody. dleive rhim form anxiety.dliver all peoel form the spirit of fear and anxiety. take away coroja viurscorna phobia and othe rphobias orgive me ofmy ugodly habits and help em clena hosue be gentle and patient an dehal my bdo ypelase. help em seek you wiht lal my heart pelase provid eme dad a place ot stay so heis no homelss. Lor idm worrie di cast my car eon you. also Make sure Vick yis okay and no armcome sot her dleive rher form alleivl bles sehr baudnantl and her parents andprother wiht exceletn healht dievine provision and helaign where nee dbe.dleiver me and my fmialy form dehydraiotn. Lor dpleaese. itn henameo fhte Lord Jeus Chirst. pelas egiv em dad always plenty of oxygento heart and stabel insulin andno frostbite keep him wamr sfe and surroudnhim with trillions of holy angels. suroudna dn proect lalpeoel wiht trilliosn aof hol anrgel yhelp forc eus to do oyur will toda.y elt us allalso enjoy life. no strewss relate dillness for anyone. ehlp em ruhs my teeht and hygeine. please brign helaign to thos ehwo ar in need of helaing ,.tka eaway all plagues curses an evil off my fmiyl and bloodlien and life and dot he smae for all in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus hirst.deoive rb form witchcraft and fase God brign salvaiotn to hima ndhis fmaily and take away all evil form his life and take away lldemonic opresson.giv ehimmerr yheart .pelas egiv me and my paenrnts kmerr yheart andall here too. pleas belss htis day pelase pleas epleas hela help my da dout of the codl no evil flal upoin him i miss him pelas ehlp him and not to be loenly. send soemoen an angel into HI lfie othelp him in every way possible.pelas ein the nameof the Lord Jesus Christ.