Beloved of All
Have mercy upon me O God, have mercy upon me! O Father in heaven, O Christ, have mercy upon my soul! look down upon me with thy tender mercy, for I am poor and needy! Lift thou me up from the dung hill of shame, lift me up into thy place of glory for I call upon me! Lift me up, for I trust in Thee!! Only You, O God can lift up the down trodden from the low place into a wider place! Only You can lift up the broken hearted and seat them with princes!! Bend down thine ear into me and have mercy upon me, for the wicked have pierced me through with many arrows! My soul is in distress and my anguish is my bread! But thou alone art strong with thy right arm and able to deliver! Have mercy upon me, for thy mercy endureth forever! Let my enemies be utterly ashamed and confused! Let their way be dark and slippery! Cast them down, O LORD, cast them down into Sheol!! Let all those who would destroy me be utterly ashamed and confounded!! But as for me, have Thou mercy upon my soul, O LORD God of our salvation! Salvation belongeth unto the LORD!!