Beloved of All
Dear Jesus, hear my prayer! Son of David, have mercy on me!! Son of David, have mercy on me!!!!! Son of David, have mercy on me!!!!!! I am nothing in your sight, O LORD. I am a worm!! But Jesus, thou son of David have mercy on me!! See my broken heart! See my tears! See my despair! See my agony! See my wounds! Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me!!! I bow myself at thy Holy feet!! I am nothing. I am less than nothing! I can not live without thy mercy!! Look down with pity and compassion upon me O Lord, for I am in torment!! Look down upon me with tender mercy, lest I die in this state of disgrace and humiliation. My soul is vexed within me. I know not the way out, for I have fallen intl an horrible pit!! Oh Jesus, thou Son of David, have regard for my hopeless estate!! Jesus, have mercy on me!! Darkness and hopelessness surrounds me as a shroud, but thou O Lord can be my light!! Oh Jesus, I can do nothing to merit thy mercy. But I humble myself before thy golden throne. Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me! Jesus, thou son of David, have pity on me! Have mercy on my soul!! I THROW myself at thy feet! I throw myself at the mercy, helpless to help myself, but imploring only thy tender mercy!!! I need to feel the tender touch of thy nail scarred hand O Lord most high!