Hallelujah, Praise the lord, Glory to God, Thanks to HIM, I Pray to our SPIRITUAL FATHER, today I request to HIM to show SPIRITUAL FATHER please show all YOUR GRACE, MERCY, BLESSINGS, to all the brothers and sisters , I pray to you for all , SPIRITUAL FATHER I pray to you cancel all life long term diseases- Sugar, nerves problems, stomach related all problems please FATHER cancel them and bless all with your grace, Bless whatever they want, open new ways for girls who are suffering because of their family, who brings down their faith, SPIRITUAL FATHER Bless them all who are looking the government job, bless them girls who are looking for seperate home because their family feels and treat them as a burden, SPIRITUAL FATHER cover them with in your feathers, cover them all, no enemy successful in the life of faithful personal, yahowa rapha, yahowa elohim, yahowa plan, I beg down in front of YOU MY SPIRITUAL FATHER PLEASE TODAY they all see your mercy, From today onwards, they will able to know that only YOU are for THEM, no one is there to Comfort, bless them all with your grace, SPIRITUAL FATHER LAY DOWN YOUR HAND OVER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN YOU, sisters who are suffering able to know only you are real friend to them, Bless the all sisters, brothers, I welcome HOLY SPIRIT come come come come come come come fill us within , hallelujah, Shalom, you all are blessed, receive with faith, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER, HOSHANNA, AMEN