Humble Prayer Partner
Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, thanks for inviting me to your Group,I know you concern about my situation , May GOD ALMIGHTY bless you all for me.please if idelay tu reply for give me,iam coming from northern Brazil with load distance of 3560 klm,seven days tu go and seven days tu come ,I drive very big trucks Long hual ,the problem ihave for here is the said I should mary here ,why because they they jealous about me and my Religious do sent permit me tu fornicate so they will not allow me tu work here if idosent mary here.ihave tried several times to go out from here but always list my money for my way out last year they return me in Panama why because they said idont have transit visa for Germany while iam on my way tu Singapore.my ex wife was such and left back for her daughter's she fornicate and we separated 2004that was the cost of my way out from Ghana,when she was sick critical she call my family and told them she sent me tu fetish priest tu kill me so she directed my family tu go and do something about that and my family didn't go because they are Christians the reson is she apologized for given here for her fornication andididnt because isaw it and she always fight me when I talk for that she calls me in Brazil and said she will not let have please in my life and I will come back home with slippers because I didn't accept her apologized she sad event this year and our daughters the sinior one ever idoes here she saw and tells me even AGCOM my prayers invitation she saw and send me messages iwass looking for help from GOD ALMIGHTY but it doesn't go through ,so all my problems iam facing comes from them so that is where my problem comes and I get hope through Ark Covenant and your prayers I will be deliver and come back for my testimony my job ihave is pending because the director told me she cannot work with me and this is my last trip Monday will be the last declaration ireat here with load yesterday thanks you very much may GOD ALMIGHTY be with you all