Faithful Servant
I wanted to hear Buddha's teachings as a teenager, and went to a seminar with a Tibetan teacher, Chokyi Nyima, a student of Dalai Lama's at a www.gomde.org center. The Dalai Lama crowd turns out to be phony and abusive, they follow Padmasambhava, an Indian guru that lived 800 years later who claimed to be Buddha returning, and who taught the opposite of Buddha regarding killing, violence, sexual behaviors, and forcing your beliefs onto others.
I received meditation practices to chant, "initiations", "empowerments", "blessings", powders to ingest, etc. before I knew that their practices aren't Buddhist. It had a very negative effect on me and my life, but his followers assured me that it's just a sign of "spiritual cleansing". I need God to rid me of it.
To make matters worse, when I realized what they are, and wanted to leave, this guru stated in front of 130 witnesses that he would use spiritual means to ensure my loved ones would be killed and my body would be destroyed, as I "owed him". It was a special karma that would not enforce itself (?). My loved ones were murdered, and my body and life have been completely destroyed by influential criminals following.
None of the witnesses are willing to expose this guru, many still follow him. I tried to reason with his closest followers, asking them to reason with him, but it was pointless. One told me that he had imagined that he should have a sexual relationship with me, as he has with many, and he had used a lot of time and chants for this purpose, he was furious. I need God to free me from this spiritual parasite.
Please pray for the Holy spirit to fill me and mine fully, and put angel guard between us and these people.
Thank you for praying.
Mainstream media and academic sources:
VIDEO: Documentary - Dalai Lama covers for Lamas who sex abuse in the West
VIDEO: Documentary - Dalai Lama incites violence
VIDEO: Historian Webster Tarpley - Mutilations common in Dalai Lama's Tibet
VIDEO: Historian Stefan Molyneux - Paedophilia accepted in Dalai Lama's Tibet (7:11 - 15:00)
VIDEO: Kalu Rinpoche - My tutors raped me regularly from age 12
The Dalai Lama crowd follow Guru Rinpoche that lived 800 years after Buddha. He gave spiritual means for killing, and advised to kill everyone religious. According to their core teachings, "Crazy Wisdom", it's even a holy duty to use spiritual means to get everyone of the monotheistic religions (Jews, Christian, Muslims) as well as Hindus killed. (Crazy Wisdom by Chogyam Trungpa (ISBN 978-1-57062-894-8), page 52-53). Every government they collaborate with kill millions of religious people, starting with Hitler who used their Swastika symbol. Buddha gave 2 sets of teachings, Theravada and Mahayana, he never gave their Vajrayana teachings. The Dalai Lama crowd admits in closed sessions and seminars that they pass on their negative karma to others and absorb their positive in order to stay holy, and claim it's a holy duty to allow them to. One of their spiritual practices "Cho" is to chant and visualize that you offer all you are and have to demons, including your own flesh for them to eat.
I received meditation practices to chant, "initiations", "empowerments", "blessings", powders to ingest, etc. before I knew that their practices aren't Buddhist. It had a very negative effect on me and my life, but his followers assured me that it's just a sign of "spiritual cleansing". I need God to rid me of it.
To make matters worse, when I realized what they are, and wanted to leave, this guru stated in front of 130 witnesses that he would use spiritual means to ensure my loved ones would be killed and my body would be destroyed, as I "owed him". It was a special karma that would not enforce itself (?). My loved ones were murdered, and my body and life have been completely destroyed by influential criminals following.
None of the witnesses are willing to expose this guru, many still follow him. I tried to reason with his closest followers, asking them to reason with him, but it was pointless. One told me that he had imagined that he should have a sexual relationship with me, as he has with many, and he had used a lot of time and chants for this purpose, he was furious. I need God to free me from this spiritual parasite.
Please pray for the Holy spirit to fill me and mine fully, and put angel guard between us and these people.
Thank you for praying.
Mainstream media and academic sources:
VIDEO: Documentary - Dalai Lama covers for Lamas who sex abuse in the West
VIDEO: Documentary - Dalai Lama incites violence
VIDEO: Historian Webster Tarpley - Mutilations common in Dalai Lama's Tibet
VIDEO: Historian Stefan Molyneux - Paedophilia accepted in Dalai Lama's Tibet (7:11 - 15:00)
VIDEO: Kalu Rinpoche - My tutors raped me regularly from age 12
The Dalai Lama crowd follow Guru Rinpoche that lived 800 years after Buddha. He gave spiritual means for killing, and advised to kill everyone religious. According to their core teachings, "Crazy Wisdom", it's even a holy duty to use spiritual means to get everyone of the monotheistic religions (Jews, Christian, Muslims) as well as Hindus killed. (Crazy Wisdom by Chogyam Trungpa (ISBN 978-1-57062-894-8), page 52-53). Every government they collaborate with kill millions of religious people, starting with Hitler who used their Swastika symbol. Buddha gave 2 sets of teachings, Theravada and Mahayana, he never gave their Vajrayana teachings. The Dalai Lama crowd admits in closed sessions and seminars that they pass on their negative karma to others and absorb their positive in order to stay holy, and claim it's a holy duty to allow them to. One of their spiritual practices "Cho" is to chant and visualize that you offer all you are and have to demons, including your own flesh for them to eat.
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