Pray strongly for me. I can't no longer take my mother mistreating me on the phone. It has been getting worse every single week for the past 6 months. I have been improving myself for decades. I have been seeking a job since February with no results. My mother has been helpful at times but others she has been toxic. This week has been awful. I shared certain positive things with her that I'm working on. She judged me and started to yell at me, ridiculed me saying I'm not doing anything with my life while everyone is online becoming famous and making money. While she is right a bit she is yelling at me for no reasons and it's really awful. I told her by text to no longer call me. I finally understand that I can't change her. Unfortunately it's getting worse with age no changes in her behavior. I do understand that she is lonely and by herself. Calling her daily is what we always do to stay in contact and make sure we are ok but it is not possible for me to call her to just check on her as she has made it difficult by talking about politics and other subjects that has nothing to do with us. I'm working hard so she can be with me and live with me so she has company. This week I had to make a decision for my mental health and well-being. I just decided to not call her as I can't take the emotional and mental abuse anymore. I have done everything in my power to calm her down to make her more aware of her negative and bad behaviors but she is in total denial. I'm just going to continue praying for her well-being as I always do but I am taking distance from her for my well-being. I love her with all my heart but I can't take this anymore. Pray that while I don't talk to her that God continues to protect her and keep her safe at all times. Her name is ###. Pray that I be strong in keeping my distance from her. I also used to tell her my daily activities, seeking jobs, going to interviews etc thinking it will also interest her and see that I am active but I realize whenever I tell her my daily activities or new projects it doesn't really interest her and her feedback is for the most part negative. I realized by telling her my business she is putting her negativity into it and I end up failing, not get the job or the job is not good. I feel that it's best that I keep my private life to myself and keep on moving forward. I feel like when I do get something done like getting a job or a project done then I can tell her but not while I'm working on it. Maybe she gets frustrated because she sees that I still didn't get a job or a project started so it's best for both of us that I keep my goals private until they are achieved. I realized it's also best for her mental health that she is less in contact with me so she won't have worries and stress over my life. Again I'm asking for strong prayers as it's not something I am used to as I am her only child and I'm very close to my mother since birth. Pray for me that God helps me, guides me and protects me.