Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites many times, showing that hypocrisy is not something to be praised.Moving on to our day, we see examples of it.The governor of Michigan says the reason she stands by delaying opening her state is because she "doesn't want to risk human life'. Yet I've read about her viewpoints on abortion. She's "concerned about" human life, yet fights for the right for women to murder their babies.In other words, she "believes in" something until it's convenient for her to believe in the other side, then it's "okay."Double standard anyone?The Democrats were screaming about justice Kavanaugh, that "women should be believed". But then when women came forth with things on Joe Biden,then all of a sudden, the woman accusing him can be called a liar, because she's coming up against one of their own, and also it would hurt his chances of defeating Trump.See the pattern here, "believe in" and state with conviction, that you back something, until it's convenient to back the other side for your own purposes,.{A double standard.}"A double minded person is unstable in all their ways."So is this hypocrisy a sin,only believing in something if it;'s ":convenient for you?" I'd say so, and also a sign of the fallen nature.{Also a sign of self centeredness, I believe in it because it benefits ME,what benefits ME most at the moment?"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tommorrow."
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