Beloved of All
I was tired of being accused of not growing by people who didn't take the time to disciple or teach or explain. Thank God for the internet or I wouldn't have known it is a relationship not a religion. I used to think I'm not drinking I'm not swearing, not in lust, not listening to ungodly music and movies. We are supposed to be broken and sorry to God for our sins in prayer closet. We are not supposed to want people to look at us, our accomplishment, or anything we have. We give God Glory so I repented of pride, which came from having to prove something by people who tried to bring me down. No lust, no look at me, no look at my stuff. Competition is a no. I learned our attitude and motivation is just as important as anything. Help people, forgive them, tell the gospel to the one who wants to hear. I made a mistake of forcing the gospel on someone to save their life but they said I was controlling. Jesus has to draw them. So we are not supposed to force relationships or conversions. It is about the inner spirit not outside appearances. So dressing modestly means different things to different people. It was 95 degrees and my friend said Christian women don't wear tank tops. I said "I don't care it's hot and I'm not wearing a Burka, we aren't Muslim. " if you read the Bible daily and pray you will be ok and maybe hear "well done good and faithful servant." You don't want to hear "Depart from me I never knew you" from Jesus.