Disciple of Prayer
i want to live long dear jesus christ i wan to live long in real life i want to win grammys i want to major in mass communications i want to be a schoolteacher i want to major in general transfer studies teaching early childhood education mass communications i want to be a student at saint louis community college at forest park i want to be a student in school i want to be valedictorian of harris-stowe state university in real life i want to be valedictorian of harris stowe state university in real life i want to be ranked number one of my graduating class i want to wear brown makeup when i am skinny i want to weigh 116 pounds in real life i want to have surgery on my body i want to be safe when i have surgery on my body in real life i want to be an educational music artist in real life i want to live long i want to be 99 years old in real life i want to be 98 years old in real life i want to be 99 years old in real life dear jesus christ i want to be an exemplification of an american in real life dear satan i want my enemies to go down in real life i want to have more power than all of my enemies in real life i want 1,000 followers in real life when i am normal in real life i want to be famous in real life i want to maintain a jazz style i want to be an r and b singer in real life i want to be a jazz singer in real life i want to be an r and b singer in real life i want instructors and tutors at mathnasium to be my academic tutors in real life dear god i need a blessing dear god i need the best blessings dear god dear god dear god i need the very best blessings in real life please don't stop believing in me in real life dear god i want to major in voice double bass and piano at new england conservatory in real life i want to major in mass communications at siue and community college i want to be able to succeed i want to be most successful than many in real life i want ariana grande to be my mentor in real life i want ariana grande to be my mentor in real life i want ariana grande to be my mentor in real life amen