Faithful Servant
Greeting Brothers and Sisters. I have been off this site for quite some time. Still continued to keep the PrayerRequest Family in my prayers. Still fighting and battling.......
As I post this request, I'm so frustrated. I pray, I read my Word (I can do a whole lot better), looking for a new church home ( I think I've found one), etc. I've been praying constantly for two issues. Number one, my wife has been ill for roughly five years. She's been dealing with a skin issue along with a back and leg issue. We have been seen many of the top specialist with no results. All we have is $4057.00 dollars in unpaid hospital bills and hundreds of dollars in prescriptions, ointments and lotions that have not worked. The latest specialist is seeking an MRI to be done that comes with a $300 plus price tag that needs to be paid up front! In the meantime time my wife continues to cry throughout the night, claw away, scratch and dig into her skin all hours of the night resulting in bloody sheets and blankets in the morning and her averaging roughly 3 hours of sleep a night. I guess in the end I should be grateful that she's still here. I have been praying and praying for just a little breakthrough, If not healing, just let her sleep through one night......
Number two, in the midst of all this I have amassed between unpaid utility bills, vehicle registration and insurance fines, household bills , etc, roughly about $10-$15,000 in debts. Have experienced some little victories here and there throughout. Just been praying for a fresh start. Not for this stuff to disappear (although that would be awesome), but to be able to pay back all my debtors and start afresh.
I've been listening to and reading message after message after message that I should stop staying awake all night worrying and/or praying. I should leave it all in God's hands and go to sleep. It's hard not to when my wife is literally crying for relief from the pain and itching. It's hard when just about everything is past due, cancelled or pending termination. Just don't know what more I need or can do other than to ask others for their prayers......
As I post this request, I'm so frustrated. I pray, I read my Word (I can do a whole lot better), looking for a new church home ( I think I've found one), etc. I've been praying constantly for two issues. Number one, my wife has been ill for roughly five years. She's been dealing with a skin issue along with a back and leg issue. We have been seen many of the top specialist with no results. All we have is $4057.00 dollars in unpaid hospital bills and hundreds of dollars in prescriptions, ointments and lotions that have not worked. The latest specialist is seeking an MRI to be done that comes with a $300 plus price tag that needs to be paid up front! In the meantime time my wife continues to cry throughout the night, claw away, scratch and dig into her skin all hours of the night resulting in bloody sheets and blankets in the morning and her averaging roughly 3 hours of sleep a night. I guess in the end I should be grateful that she's still here. I have been praying and praying for just a little breakthrough, If not healing, just let her sleep through one night......
Number two, in the midst of all this I have amassed between unpaid utility bills, vehicle registration and insurance fines, household bills , etc, roughly about $10-$15,000 in debts. Have experienced some little victories here and there throughout. Just been praying for a fresh start. Not for this stuff to disappear (although that would be awesome), but to be able to pay back all my debtors and start afresh.
I've been listening to and reading message after message after message that I should stop staying awake all night worrying and/or praying. I should leave it all in God's hands and go to sleep. It's hard not to when my wife is literally crying for relief from the pain and itching. It's hard when just about everything is past due, cancelled or pending termination. Just don't know what more I need or can do other than to ask others for their prayers......