Prayer Partner
Greatings, my name is Tanya Massarico, 20 years old, my family is in need of serious prayers, my brother has a serious drug addiction, we don't know anymore what to do all we do is pray and have faith God will heal him, what makes it worse is that he lost all his senses to know what is good and what is bad, he goes outside nacked, forgets that there is a toilet, all things that are not normal he is like one who is not in this world, my parents work hard every single day very hard but we don't see any changes in our lifes, my dad doesn't know how to plan things well with the little money he gets and doesn't listen to anyone's advise rather he listens to what people say outside, he has good intentions but it's not normal, he has a son with another woman and we just found out recently he didn't even tell us we found out through the mistress he was not ashamed he rather acted as thou nothing happened and we should just forget everything, my mother can never stand up for herself she gets bullied a lot form my dad emotional blackmail and she always agree or just never has a say in anything even to buy shoes we as her children need to force her, she always feels pain when she see what my brother has become thats why she was diagnosed with BP, my sister is God fearing and because of her and my mother I trust in God and always have faith in him even though I myself had done many wrong things but lately I've been serious with God and excepted him In my life, I really just want my family to be the normal family it once was, happy family, our financial situation is just getting worse per year we don't know what is going on my family is unable to pay for my tuition fee and im sad but I reached out to many people and have strong faith that one of them will assist me in order for me to register for my second year. Our rental problems, my dad has many debts it's just so many things happening at once, I also pray my sister finds a decent job as she is a graduate and never seem to find appropriate Jobs in Jesus name please keep our family in prayers. Amen. God bless