Jesus, our dear Savior and Lord has shown us the way in which we should live, act and do on earth.
But to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and soul and with all your strenght, and then, to love your neighbor as yourself.
Mark 12-30
Just because of His love and mercy we should always praise and adore His holy name.
For Thou o Lord are art high above all the earth.
Thou art exalted far above all gods.
I exalt Thee o Lord.
Yes, we will exalt the Lord wherever we are and glorify Him in our entire life. David had a reason to say this.
His goodness is always with us.
Psalm 23.6
James the disciple of the Lord also had a wonderful reason to say this.
Everything good comes from God.
James 1.17
Those who have found the pearl of great price will alway remember Him whent they say.....
O, taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.
Psalm 34.8
When I draw the threads of my youth and weave it into my past, I am so thankful Jesus has touched my heart and rescue me from all kinds of torments from hell, from loneliness, unhappiness and joyless life on earth. He has come to me and said...
I have loved you with an everlasting love. I care for you.
So, I am pulling the threads of faith in God, the more I draw to Him, blessings overflow my life. I am thankful, really, I am so grateful to the Lord for reaching me and changing everything I had in my life. I shall forever give Him all the praise, all the honor and all the glory now and forever more.
But to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and soul and with all your strenght, and then, to love your neighbor as yourself.
Mark 12-30
Just because of His love and mercy we should always praise and adore His holy name.
For Thou o Lord are art high above all the earth.
Thou art exalted far above all gods.
I exalt Thee o Lord.
Yes, we will exalt the Lord wherever we are and glorify Him in our entire life. David had a reason to say this.
His goodness is always with us.
Psalm 23.6
James the disciple of the Lord also had a wonderful reason to say this.
Everything good comes from God.
James 1.17
Those who have found the pearl of great price will alway remember Him whent they say.....
O, taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.
Psalm 34.8
When I draw the threads of my youth and weave it into my past, I am so thankful Jesus has touched my heart and rescue me from all kinds of torments from hell, from loneliness, unhappiness and joyless life on earth. He has come to me and said...
I have loved you with an everlasting love. I care for you.
So, I am pulling the threads of faith in God, the more I draw to Him, blessings overflow my life. I am thankful, really, I am so grateful to the Lord for reaching me and changing everything I had in my life. I shall forever give Him all the praise, all the honor and all the glory now and forever more.