Humble Prayer Partner
Please pray for me. God bless You. Father God I ask in our Lord Jesus name and blood. Because in my own name I am not known and my own blood I am not worthy. I ask for the reputation and pleasure of You. I ask for the reputation and pleasure of my: parents, ancestors, friends, and family, I ask to encourage the believers, and give the non believers a reason to believe, I asked that it is used to discourage the demons and enemies of God, and to strengthen the angels. I ask that You forgive All of my debts, sins, promises, and mistakes towards You. I ask that You keep all of Your promises and blessings (especially those of a) by Your grace and mercy alone. I pray that You protect myself and my family from all harm. I pray that You restore all the blessings and youth that the devil, the world, and my own sin has taken from me even now and is kept by Your grace and mercy alone. I also ask for the faith to believe these things, and that I have a heart that is pure and kind. Please keep me from sin as well. In Jesus name I humbly declare and ask that this is done even now all by Your grace and mercy alone amen