Be grace we are saved and it is not of our own doing but it is Gods mercy and all is done to the glory of His name. Let us all be grateful for th gift that comes from heaven.
Do not segment your life for the wor.d
Segment your existence to do the will of the Father.
Our business should be on eternal purpose.
Our schooling in life is to serve God.
To love others just as He loved us.
His grace and mercy shall come.
His love eternal will touch our hearts.
To love Him more than ever before.
Now, let us alll sing this beautiful song to Jesus......
Marvelous grace of our loving Lord.
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt.
Yonder on Calvarys mount outpoured.
There where the Blood of the Lamb was spilled.
Thank you Jesuf for this heavenly grace that is poured in our heart. Fill us with joy and peace, guide our steps to Your heavenly home.
Do not segment your life for the wor.d
Segment your existence to do the will of the Father.
Our business should be on eternal purpose.
Our schooling in life is to serve God.
To love others just as He loved us.
His grace and mercy shall come.
His love eternal will touch our hearts.
To love Him more than ever before.
Now, let us alll sing this beautiful song to Jesus......
Marvelous grace of our loving Lord.
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt.
Yonder on Calvarys mount outpoured.
There where the Blood of the Lamb was spilled.
Thank you Jesuf for this heavenly grace that is poured in our heart. Fill us with joy and peace, guide our steps to Your heavenly home.