Busqueoficioin God
Rebuke the spirit of the gossiping neighbor Who wants to know what the other neighbor is doing, With fake ride, false meetings in and out “divinations, sorcery of doing the same thing fake imitation A spirit of sending men to see them “like voyeurism “Rebuke that spirit of lust with seductive devil voice of steal thief my things to take things “ Of evil intentions and a spirit of suspicion / spirit of malice over me permanent who are confusing with the discernment of the bible Rebuke that Spread false prophecies based on gossip and comments to damage the reputation and testing the faith until it becomes a spirit of suicide, a spirit of mockery and sabotage sending man /young men as if idleness and laziness with masturbation spirit making the place like a madhouse/ asylum rebuking this spirit of disorder, fighting and discord and of tiring people ethos this mistake spirit / or wrong behavior and wanting to make sickness gossiping with these harassments with bad intentions, creating an atmosphere of tension and confrontation. They have confuse with gossip and false secrets and hidden alliances meddling gossip disturb with missing and disappear, oppression to invasion of space and confusion with wrong side “ fake boss “ they are confusing with this position rebuking this false authority around my life is contagious in church neighbor and other areas