Servant of All
Goodmorning in Jesus name. Thank the Lord for a new day. My brothers and sisters in Christ please pray for me this morning. Wow I know God is working on my husband William Sr sometimes it’s sad and discouraging when he doesn’t acknowledge me as his wife. I’ve been praying that he has forgiven me for divorcing him in ignorance and desiring restoration and reconciliation of marriage. I have seen how God has worked in this situation thus far to bring us back restoration and reconciliation of our marriage. I pray my husband William Sr begin to acknowledge that I Cheryl Boyd aka Sunshinee777 am his bride, the woman he made vows too before God, Heaven and witnesses. I pray as the Lord had reminded me of my wedding vows to My Husband and that he hates divorce, and that he’s able to do the impossible. I am praying today that My has filled with the Holy Spirit is fielding his heart of a new this month that I am his bride, his wife the woman he married on November 28, 2009. He knows that his heart and believe by faith that we are destined for restoration of marriage. I pray that every relationship he had before We married and doing our marriage be removed/cancelled in the name of Jesus from his heart mind soul body feelings emotions desire and thoughts and that he only desire a relationship with me as his wife again. I pray he acknowledge his sins, repent and recognize what wrongs he did in our Marian’s that he stop being so hard of me for my mess up and recognize all his things he played a role in regarding the divorce, as we all make mistakes and then he desires a second chance in this remarriage as God already ordained it to be. As My Husband have been off of work for quite a while and about to get ready and go to jail, I pray before he goes there he begin to rethink and remember how God has bless me I was always be his side to help with everything he experienced from the time we met even when we separated and even during the divorce, that I always been there to love on him and help him. That he doesn’t take that for granted. I pray he begin to look at things in my perspective and consider my feelings and stop listening to his family and this world about divorce papers and let it go. I also pray he sees things in Gods eyes through the Word of God. Yesterday we watch the movie Noah together. I pray my husband William Sr is not afraid to love me again as God has given me an afresh love for him, I pray he has an afresh love for me and see me as God sees me. I am not sure when the Lord is about to convert him, I pray that my husband William has a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That he depends on the Lord in Jesus name Amen