Good night everyone I am kindly asking you to pray for me I am not understanding what the customer is saying even when it is mentioned to me I love the job at qualfon guyana but I am asking if you all can pray with me for my understanding I missed the business training with human services and social security guyana here I am so sad please pray that they put me back on the list please pray for my friends we have so much to learn my name is diandrea Primus My children names are Andrew jonesha Josiah and allwayne The girls at work are sadiyya boodie amary jagroop selene ally hemwantie surpaul they are all trying hard hemwantie is sucidial and it is her first job I pray we don't get fired all we are asking is for a little more time to learn the system a week more I am asking for your prayers please pray For me my landlord at it again she wants me out god is only you can help me I was aware that I have to go to court please pray that I win.