Good morning Man of God. I have these prayer requests, please pray for me and my entire family. We are going through spiritual attacks, bad luck, sicknesses and diseases like, Mom is diabetic and she has high blood pressure, Dad is asthmatic with high blood pressure, my brother the first born was afflicted with spirit of confusion, the second born from the time he was younger was afflicted with the spirit of stealing. He is in and out of prison and is H.I.V positive. The third born was afflicted with cancer and has T.B. The four born was afflicted with moving objects in her stomach, the fifth who is me was afflicted with failure, i never knew the importance of school. I went to school until grade 12 but didn't pass in any subject, I tried to write again but in vain. The sixth and the last born, the last born dreams of snakes most of the nights and she feels safe when she's with the snakes. The sixth one had an accident 16 years ago but her feet are still swelling till now. We are all jobless, we are going through rejection, disappointment, embarrassment and poverty. Please pray for my family so that these spiritual attacks will leave us. We also love the peace that other people are enjoying which is Jesus himself.