Humble Servant of All
Good Morning Father, thank you so much for this day. Thank you for what you have done, thank you for what you are doing, and thank you so much more for what you are about to do. Lord you are my all you are in my heart, thank you so much for revealing yourself to me more and more. Thank you for the sound of your voice in my quiet moment last night with you. Lord thank you for the opportunities you have provided me with thus far, forgive any words I may have shared that you have not planted within me to share. Lord I give you my Christopher, oh how you know. Lord give me the words for Timothy, my heart is not at ease with this matter, and show me nudge me with the words you have ordained to be spoken from me to him. Lord be in Sabrina's testing results. Lord I give you this day's tasks and responsibilities. Thank you for the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage, boldness, and relentless desire to change the things I can and your understanding, wisdom and discernment to know the difference. In Jesus powerful name I pray, His blood over this request. AMEN